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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. Well they are obviously replicas, but I just want to know if I'd get my [expletive] if I gave them money
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/los-angeles/ncf/news/story?id=5395550 First paragraph, it'll probably be changed in 10 minutes
  3. Do you have nothing better to do?
  4. Has anyone ever bought from them? I saw their site in the jeans thread, and they have really cheap prices..
  5. I know you had to wait a WHOLE day. God forbid it happens again
  6. I saw it again last night, can't wait for it to come out on DVD
  7. I don't know, but Serbian incest and a long history of nonstop famine and war is probably 3rd place
  8. Soccer, watching paint dry is a close second, though
  9. Dood plz stop stalking my posts I'm getting really upset about it =(
  10. Go around and call a black person a n*gger, and then go tell them you weren't making fun of them. Big difference
  11. Lil Wayne is such a great rapper
  12. Sorry, 15,000 + 2,000 = 17,000, so yeah way more than half. And I guarantee I have way more of a social life than the guy who does nothing starts threads and attempts to get praise on the internet for being funny.
  13. Posting 25,000 times in OTRs history would also make me feel like a lazy fat [expletive] that does nothing all day
  14. I never play video games, they're for chumps jkjk its my life
  15. Thanks man haha Looking back at it now, for the amount of time it took and how successful it was, it reallllly wasn't worth making it haha
  16. Holy [expletive], incredible movie I feel asleep about the first hour, though (not because it was boring, I got 30 minutes of sleep last night), and I could still vaguely follow the plot. Epic ending too
  17. I'm not really sponsered per sey, just putting videos up on Machinima And just submit a video, it'll get looked at and if it's good enough they'll contact you further
  18. lol funniest one yet imo http://cheezfailbooking.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/129086010061360127.jpg
  19. http://cheezfailbooking.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/funny-facebook-anthony2.png
  20. DOOD YOURE RIGHT THAT VIDEOS GOING TO BE [expletive]ING HUGE Oh, wait, it already is
  21. O hi Colorado its cuz of all of the bike trails and [expletive] here
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