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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_American_League_Championship_Series And I could care less if one person squared up on a ball against Ubaldo
  2. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/2010-04-15-rockies-mets_N.htm
  3. lol I think kingfish was like in the top 50 in the world for 2k10
  4. Cool bro, he still has 33% of the wins the Mets/Red Sox have
  5. wow, incredible story, thanks for the share
  6. I use under armour for baseball, and they're the best I've ever had.
  7. I skinned my knee in the sandbox today ='(
  8. lmao dude it wasn't meant to be a diss on you just showing the video is all
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL90fCgOrcE&feature=related WHYYYYYYYYY
  10. You've been the coolest kid on the site for a while now
  11. lol if you don't remember anything from math in high school, I don't think you should be able to take a college class...
  12. God forbid you guys actually go outside Kidding, of course. But I don't see a reason why he would shut it down, so I'm not worried
  13. Alrightt everything is done, in terms of signing the contract and stuff. i have no clue when my first video will be out, though, but it'll be a big change talking to 80,000 subscribers in comparison to my 157 haha
  14. The video has 98 views, and got annoying after three seconds.. why did you post this?
  15. Exactly, I think he's overrated... I don't care if Adam Schefter thinks he's top 3, or bottom 3, I think for what he gets credit for, he doesn't put up the numbers to back it up.
  16. I comprehended your question as who thinks Eli is overrated. I fail to see any other way I could interpret that...
  17. By me. If he played for a team like the Jaguars, he'd be on the same level as a Garrard, Hasselbeck, etc.
  18. I'd say Schaub is certainly underrated, but you made a bunch of good points there. I think Eli is the most overrated player in the league haha
  19. More yards, more touchdowns, higher rating, more wins.. no, sorry <3
  20. Desean Jackson > Calvin Johnson? lululululz
  21. I don't like basketball or soccer, but notice how when soccer players fall down, they hold their faces.. when basketball players fall down, they get right back up. Not only do soccer players act like pansies, they also play like htem too.
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