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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. He's one of those players who seems like he spent 8 years in college
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaGZvMK1Dh8 About 25 seconds in [expletive]ing pussies..
  3. It says you get 7 days to transfer everything to your new hard drive. And I have the 20 gig model too. Not a problem, I use like 6 gigs of it.
  4. http://ladiesdotdotdot.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/brett-favre1.jpg ???
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgj1l9vUyhU&feature=topvideos
  6. I did the DIME thing about a year and a half ago and never got [expletive].
  7. lol who cares about what MLG pro users use
  8. I'll take Nate. In the .2% of Nuggets games that I'll actually watch, I'll notice JR Smith either hits 5 three pointers, or misses 15 of them.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j5ScRw8-cI Check it out =)
  10. Obviously I was joking since 99% of the video gaming threads turns into a Halo vs PS3 debate..
  11. What do Halo fanboys have to do with NAT settings? Failure.
  12. See with a PS3, that wouldn't have happened because free, [expletive]ty online service is best, right?
  13. Mewtwo has killed himself off of struggle 3 times. [expletive] him..
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