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Everything posted by trutrojan8

  1. idk, dabearfan wass on the right track I think. Maybe it was a baby goat, or baby humpback whale?
  2. Yeah, it's gotta be a lion http://brotherpeacemaker.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/simba.jpg That pic removes all doubt.
  3. trutrojan8


  4. trutrojan8


    So I took the MP3 of Bad Romance, and put in Audacity, an audio editor. I raised the pitch a tiny bit, and boosted the bass. It's the best thing ever. I'll sell copies of the song for $3.29. Not that's illegal. But if anyone wants it holler at me, it's incredible.
  5. That doesn't make sense, and your champion was already knocked out.
  6. http://images.foodproof.com/stuffed-crust-pizza-full.jpg
  7. If you're going to run out like an idiot, I'm going to use tactics to gundown your [expletive]. And clearly other people are too, since you're -2000 in the k/d. and lololol over 42,000 kills/deaths. go outside man.
  8. ^Thanks man, I completely agree with you. If Slaven wants to run out, guns ablazin and get a .6 k/d ratio, I'll let him do it. But I'll be the one who keeps picking him off. His choice. On a side note, the video has 944 views and counting. It's been like 14 hours since I uploaded it. Nuts.
  9. Alright, you can type like that and be grammatically incorrect, while criticizing someone about their grammar.
  10. Youre isn't a word. You're, however, is. And you do need the apostrophe in I'm because Im isn't a word.
  11. Taking cover behind a wall is called strategy, not camping. However, since my k/d is twice that of yours, I no longer feel obligated to argue with you.
  12. Maybe the reason you blow at COD is because a location "nobody expects you to be" is considered the roof of a building with multiple ladders that lead to it.
  13. Look at this rapage haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tuOPgqrEWg
  14. Tebow was light years better than Leinart, and not even comparable to Vince Young.
  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft10/news/story?id=5003533 lmao
  16. I saw it earlier tonight, and it was visually stunning. The plot was hard to follow, though since I don't remember any of the Disney version, but I still really liked it.
  17. The funny thing is Pujols is, IMO, substantially better than Howard. If I were the Cardinals, I wouldn't accept anything less than Howard, Drabek, and Utley for one of the best hitters of all time.
  18. This was news in like the 70s haha
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