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Everything posted by ExplosiveScoring

  1. White Chocolate..... http://telepromptedanthems.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/u-mad1.jpg
  2. Well I did it, sadly I did it through e-mail and facebook, which wasn't the best connection to do it, but I did it. She told me she was flattered and thanks, because I had more to tell her other than that as well.
  3. 1. What position do you play in basketball? If you don't play anymore, when you were young? 2. What are your values for players that play basketball? 3. Dwyane Wade is better than Kobe Bryant, agreed? 4. Where is LeBron going? 5. Where is Wade going?
  4. Go look at what Bynum did in the beginning of the season when Gasol was out.
  5. Age....it's the same with LeBron and Howard, Howard has been in the league as long as Bynum has, so they should have the same potential right? And they both came out of High School. The only problem Bynum seems to have is motivation.
  6. Me and Diesel have been debating about this on AIM. We disagree about this topic, so I'd like to talk about this subject here. For me? I think Andrew Bynum is clearly the superior player. I think Al Horford is vastly overrated, he really shouldn't have been an all-star. Josh Smith was more deserving. I also think Bynum has more potential than Horford could ever dream of.
  7. LeBron James makes him look like nothing.
  8. It's nice, but not a fan of the text. But thanks anyways.
  9. Yeah, I think Dirk is arguably the best player on his team. But Yeah he's HOF bound. He's greater than C-Webb in my opinion, greater, not better.
  10. Thanks. I'd like text on it, and of just his name.
  11. He's been playing like complete crap in the playoffs. So who cares.
  12. I think Spolestra is holding him back, big time. He's a dumb coach.
  13. Who would you rather have on your team? This isn't who's the harder working player, because we all know that's Hickson and this isn't the who's the more talented player, because we all know that's Beasley. I am just curious to see who would you prefer to have on your team.
  14. Celtics are the only team that the Lakers don't have this serious size advantage against.
  15. We Takin over.. - Variety of artists, even though they're all gay. Hero - Nas Requiem of a Dream - LOTR It's my Time - Fabolous
  16. Celtics are just a bad matchup for the Magic, just like the Magic were a bad matchup for the Cavs. You know, I kinda expected Vince Carter to make a fadeaway buzzer beating 3 to win the game on Game 2. Just like LeBron did in Game 2 last season.
  17. Nope.....Didn't think so. How you doin’ young lady The feeling that youre giving really drives me crazy You don’t have to play about the joke I was lost with the words first time that we spoke
  18. He should go to the Thunder, play with Durant. Thunder need legit bigs.
  19. Actually they didn't double him at all in Game 1, so I'd like to hand me what you're smoking. In Game 2, they threw some doubles though.
  20. Go live in Boston. You'll probably get shanked.
  21. I can sense that you love Arenas very much, is that why you're a Wizards fan? Jumped off the Arenas wagon just in time. This has more to do with Arenas pulling a gun. Arenas has a low-IQ in general. And Yes he's definitely an attention whore. I really can't think of anyone who has a worse shot selection than him, J.R Smith and that's about it. Overrated as [expletive], and this is coming from a former Arenas fan.
  22. What are you talking about? Celtics are not doubling and that's their plan. Let Dwight score all the buckets he wants, they didn't expect him to score 30 tonight anyways, and even with those 30 points that wasn't good enough to get his team a win. So really, if they can't get their shooters going in a half-court set. They're just going to have the push the tempo, and that's their only hope. They can't out-execute them like they could against Atlanta.
  23. Arenas is probably the most overrated, attention whoring, piece of trash I've ever seen. This league is better without him. He's basically J.R Smith with more freedom.
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