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Everything posted by misterx

  1. we'll be fine not really... a movie about it dropped nationally 3 days ago
  2. whats baiting? i hear that word at other message boards i go to.
  3. this C's fan at a message board i go to on Bynum's game
  4. lol usually i get the opposite... "oh they had a couple days off theyre a little rusty that is all"
  5. i pretty much agree. damn. eaton is like the only notable alumni at the high school i graduated in. there used to be a little glass display for him until the gym got renovated.
  6. go jordanhd... i mean jordan2k... i mean kobe bryant
  7. I have a bad recollection of things when it comes to sports, I have always thought in the last 2-3 years the Lakers had some injury problem. As in at least one key player was injured during the season. I was wondering if anybody knows in the last 3 seasons who(a key player on the team) got put in the injured list for a period of time. All I know is the Bynum injury in Early 2008 which brought in Gasol. Can anybody help me out?
  8. gotta enjoy those chicken nuggets; peta is in attack mode at those
  9. my cousin lives in orlando; and my mom and aunt are really close... i used to go there so much when i was younger... i love florida a lot. i wish i could stay there longer than just a summer (back then summer breaks were like 3 months. i think nowadays its been cut into 2... just sayin...) one thing i didnt like is that i've experienced numerous episodes of frizzy hair. its fine when i put hairspray on but its the fact that i have to put it on everyday we went out somewhere... wouldnt matter now because i shave my head bald once a week
  10. Yeah, hardcore dancing is really tiring. Anyways. Her husband seems committed... that's so heartwarming. That's unconditional love... If it was the other way around, the wife would most likely leave
  11. true... so how bout them 4-5 day royal caribbean cruises... oh yeah
  12. oh, okay, it was unintentional. still funny... just saying...
  13. http://www.mtvu.com/video/?vid=449960
  14. Anyone see what happened with LO and Anderson? lol
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