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Everything posted by misterx

  1. i have. at a disneyland parking lot . dude was sellin his stereo to me
  2. it was for his safety... dude needed to get outta there in one piece. LOL. nice video
  3. INCASE the lakers lose Powell? Who cares if you lose Powell? Has he ever done anything? An old Theo Ratliff is 10X better then a Josh Powell, a retired Theo Ratliff is better then a Josh Powell lol
  4. hes done so much for the franchise. good for them
  5. a lot? ive only heard of one time when their tension rose and i think that was last season which i thought was blown way out of proportion. i dont think they ever had a fight either. maybe if kobe was still 20 or sumthin. lol
  6. noice... havent seen anyone do one of those cradle dunks in a long while
  7. haha.. i was just saying he looks really light compare to how built he is now... it wasnt an insult or anything and that tmac vs lebron james xmas was pretty cool. ive never seen 4:44 before that was crazy. ive never seen the high school tmac footage either thats pretty tight
  8. It was hilarious because one dude said something like this kid has a better chance at going to the cba than going to the nba. and that this clown will get spanked by the likes of Sean Elliot and Michael Jordan or something like that lol.
  9. Ahhh damn. Okay. I just wanted to read it again.
  10. Can anybody hook me up with that one '96 article where they said Kobe was projected to be a bust. I remember I found the link from this website.
  11. what the... obviously not lollllllllll hes apologizing...
  12. must suck being one of those players who just get notified that they got traded, and have to rearrange their schedule the next couple weeks and months into looking for a house and all that other stuff. like contacting your bank and phone company and stuff. not saying that hinrich will stay there or anything just putting myself in the situation...
  13. for a sec i thought it was an interview or sumthin haha he was just hyping up the crowd because he knows they like to say it and the saying is common
  14. kevin garnett is my fave player of all time but im happy kobes making history and stuff. he is the best laker. congrats to the team. the home court advantage that they worked hard for all season was what made the last 2 games for the lakers.
  15. oh ok thanks. one more question, if he gets 1 tech the next game, is he ejected?
  16. can somebody explain this tech business to me....if Rasheed gets one in Game 7, does that mean he's suspended in Game 1 of next season or does it just not matter anymore?
  17. Van Gundy said it best.... not word for word but along the lines "Had it been Lebron or Jordan in that Game 5, people would be raving about that performance put on by Kobe...but since Kobe doesn't go around kissing peoples butt and he has the personality he does, they talk about him not trusting his teammates"
  18. i agree lol i saw that too live i didnt even think it was a big deal. but it is just because its chris rock
  19. i dont think it has to do with anybody not having any humor its just that people dont want to post what they already said about it again lol
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