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Everything posted by AllenIverson#1fan

  1. Yea, he's 6'11'. LeBron is 6'9 so he's just a it taller than reular SFs.
  2. I like that. Oden is injury prone so whnenever he's injured they have lee to take over. Roy is a good ball handler.
  3. LeBron ain't gonna go to NY. I do think Bosh will get a star with him though.
  4. Hell yeah! Go Jets! More importantly, go LT.
  5. i got like a hella deep cut like last week on my ankle blood was rushing everywhere. It hurt so bad..
  6. They've partiallly improoved their PG problem. Can't wait to see him play.
  7. -When people post facebook status's every 10 minutes but noone commentson them -gnats - mosquitoes -People posting depressing status's on facebook 24/7
  8. Keep Turk. He will improove his game from last season I think. Now that Bosh will be gone he can play at a higher level getting more touches.
  9. This off-season is boring so far.. Good move by the Celtics anyways
  10. Jackson's back, Rivers' is back, Keep the rivalry going!
  11. It's hard catching sarcasm over the computer, I'm guessing you're using it right now?
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