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Everything posted by SeasonSeven

  1. The wait is almost over, guys. Portugal's my team so..yeah.
  2. http://www.vuvuzela-time.co.uk/www.otrbasketball.com/forums/
  3. "I like your music, I'll even hum it a bit at the voting booth when I'm denying you basic civil rights." Also, lol @ the OP's video.
  4. Ivanka's a bit of a turnoff. Maybe he could sleep with all of the Miss USA contestants.
  5. Lol what is he going to say? "Come to NY or you're fired."
  6. I heard Drake, the rapper, has a character in this game.
  7. Great. Now I have an excuse for my Wii other than Mario, Smash Bros. and 2k10.
  8. I would assume that with a 500 GB console, they would have to let us copy games to the hard drive. What else would you be doing with all of that space?
  9. No, 4 and 5. I was saying that it doesn't look good for LA because not only is Boston a better road team than home team, they already beat you guys twice in Boston.
  10. He'd be an improvement over Senor No Defense. A team with Bradley and DeRozan would be very fun to watch.
  11. But the Celtics are better on the road then at home, and they already beat you guys twice at home. I still think LA will win Game 6 though.
  12. I don't think LA can beat Boston 2 in a row, so it may end Tuesday. Either way, I see the Celtics winning.
  13. Wow. Japan on the board first. Didn't see that coming.
  14. Live 10 wasn't bad. At times I actually enjoyed it more than I did 2K10. 2K's game is much better though. Game will probably suck now though. I remember reading an article that said "Now you can't get mad when someone makes a half-court shot, because it's entirely skill-based." Yikes.
  15. I like it when you get the kernels, and you expect them to be hard and crunchy, but they're soft and chewy instead. Popcorn stories ftw.
  16. Will the Big 12 still be operational in basketball?
  17. Child abuse, no question. How could you harm something with feelings and human emotions?
  18. Big Sean, yes. Haven't heard enough Posner to form an opinion.
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