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Everything posted by Sħãlïq™

  1. Colangelo still hopes Coach K will be back in '16 LONDON -- Jerry Colangelo will see if he can persuade Mike Krzyzewski to return as U.S. men's Olympic basketball coach. Krzyzewski has said he believes the London Games will be his last time coaching the national team. Colangelo says he thinks that is probably true, however, the USA Basketball chairman adds that he's "not 100 percent sure myself that he's done." Colangelo says he will discuss the future with Krzyzewski at an appropriate time. After Krzyzewski led the Americans to the 2008 gold medal, Colangelo secured his commitment to return for another run over pizza and a bottle of wine. Colangelo said Monday that they'll "have pizza and wine again. We'll see if it works a second time." Krzyzewski says they can worry about that if they win. Source
  2. Brazil's Oscar in Chelsea uniform: http://i.imgur.com/0ih6C.jpg
  3. Which one of 'my countries'? I'm multinational.
  4. Regardless of what you think I know, my post does make a lot of sense. Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone that's been around for at least a week knows perfectly well who the forum troll is. And so what? Are you saying that makes him less bigoted?
  5. BTW, that long post I made today makes much more sense than your whole '>-rant' yesterday.
  6. Scared? Nah... Why would you wanna start looking like a 'bigoted loser'?
  7. Alia Atkinson rocking a Bob Marley swimsuit: http://i.imgur.com/jYQNX.png
  8. See page 294, and http://i.imgur.com/jhZVc.jpg
  9. Hope Greinke adjusts quickly (to the different league).
  10. > Paying attention to a meaningless coincidence. > Lacking a deeper perspective. # > signs
  11. You still don't get it, do you? It's not an implication that a team sucks, it's the implication that Europe, and European teams > rest of the world. And also that a country sucks just because it's not European. And I'm not surprised of Yugo, he's been like that for years. What I don't get is why are you sucking Yugo's d1ck so hard? I mean his d1ck's so deep in your mouth you're even choking. This sh!t's disgusting. http://i.imgur.com/jhZVc.jpg
  12. Favorite Sylvester Stallone movie? http://i.imgur.com/aYyPg.jpg
  13. ^ Says who?! 'Kobe('s Thoughts) On Chasing 6th Ring'
  14. I sure make more sense than you do -- you're calling me 'a bigoted loser' for no reason, when you've got other members' posts that actually define bigot: Example 'A' - the 'German master race' bigotry: http://i.imgur.com/B7jfy.png http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/29045-uefa-euro-2012/page__st__80 The German 'master race' failed to win it all. YugoRocketsFan is so intolerantly devoted to his own opinions and prejudices that regards the members of certain racial and ethnic groups with intolerance: http://i.imgur.com/eCixX.png http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/24232-general-soccer-discussion/page__st__120 ^ Praising a team with 'only 1 black player out of 11' that won a meaningless friendly, while a French team that included 10 'not exactly white' players won the 1998 World Cup title. That's bigotry. Yugo calls Honduras a 'crappy team' that 'shouldn't even be considered a real competition': ' Honduras eliminated Spain. You know what's even more ridiculous? Yugo supports a team that won both of its 2 championships led by a Nigerian-born player (Hakeem), and yet Yugo makes posts like these: http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/28124-otr-on-5-continents/ Want some more bigotry? Here you are: Just for the record, I don't consider myself Rastafarian any more. But even if I was, who is Yugo to question my beliefs? Who is Yugo to question anyone's beliefs? Who the hell is Yugo to call others 'less knowledgeable': http://www.discusshoops.com/forums/topic/28199-new-clippers-shirt-lol/page__p__318531#entry318531 Why isn't Yugo fine with people making their own decisions without having the approval of others? Maybe because his posts are the epitome of bigotry. #Herrenvolk
  15. Solid excuse. I never said I like Honduras. I just hate Spain. BTW, I never saw that Honduras pic but the associations you're making sure say a lot about your hidden desires.
  16. While he may not be going to be 'a ring chaser like so many other old guys', he'll still give his 'best effort'. So that's not the best possible topic title. One other thing - the first line in the quote tag (opening post): ^ Where in that WP link you see such a statement? That WP columnist never wrote that.
  17. http://i39.tinypic.com/28sxbb4.jpg
  18. ON TOPIC: It's a good story. I just find the title misleading. That's all. And there's nothing 'retarded' about it.
  19. And I stand by the question I made yesterday. You still didn't respond. You also said that 'no one here will disagree (with your comment)'. I doubt that. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  20. "I’ll give you the great effort, my best effort, but if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. “But I’ll be damned if it doesn’t.” Misleading thread title.
  21. http://u.goal.com/200100/200157hp2.jpg #That AWESOME moment when Spain loses 1-0 to Honduras & is ELIMINATED from the Olympics! I told you: #Honduras \☺/
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