16-Year-Old Boy Dies After Masturbating 42 Times http://www.g17.com.br/fotos2/quarto.jpg A 16-year-old boy from Brazil died from overly masturbating! The boy was said to have been addicted to masturbating and died after doing it 42 times without stopping! According to his mother, she planned on getting her son help but she was a little too late. A great amount of pornography was found in his room, including more than 600 million photographs and 17 million videos of nude women that were saved on his PC http://drownedinsound.com/community/boards/social/4303237 http://www.theincrediblecreation.com/2011/09/16-year-old-boy-dies-after-masturbating.html How did they find out it was 42 times??