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Everything posted by Sħãlïq™

  1. http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=7122486 Lots of interesting Clipper content in this Blake Griffin interview. We are lucky Simmons is a Clipper ticket holder. Couple of highlights: Blake talks about EGor (says he's real talented but doesn't show a warmth towards him imo) Blake talks about how he misses Baron (he got me 8-10 easy points a game)
  2. I'm assuming the league cuts contracts to 5 years for your own player and 4 years for other players. I think he will get in the range of 45-55 million. If I'm the Clippers, I say hey DJ we will give you most of your contract the first 2 seasons, that way we have money to max out your buddy Blake in a couple years and start a dynasty. I would give him a offer like this: Year 1- 16 million 2- 16 3- 5 4- 5 5- 5 Let's say the Clips trade Kaman,Aminu,Bledsoe,2012 Minny pick for CP3: That's a 47 million dollar deal with 32 of it coming the first two years. Why wouldnt DJ jump at that? With a salary cap at let's say, 58 million, teams would only be able to afford to pay 3 max players (CP3?, EJ, Blake), 1 mid level player (DJ) and the rest would have to be players on minimum salaries. Potential 2013-2014 roster: 1. CP3 16,000,000 2. EJ 15,000,000 3. Blake 14,000,000 4. DJ 5,000,000 5. Thompkins 750,000 6. Leslie 750,000 7. Cook 1,000,000 8. Diogu 1,000,000 9. 2012 2nd 750,000 10.2013 1st 1,500,000 11.2013 2nd 750,000 12.Ariza 1,000,000 See, Clips need to look to the future when giving DJ that deal. 13.Foye 1,000,000
  3. I don't think we are depressed enough about the lockout, so here is another thing that I'll be missing out on. ... here is a recent pic of our favorite ex-Clipper that we will never see cheering Blake's dunks. We all know that ex-players will normally go downhill after they have been poisoned by Sterling. The rule doesn't apply to cheerleaders apparently....
  4. Your 2011 IRB World Cup Champions: http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/mm//Photo/Tournament/Home/02/06/02/07/2060207_NRHP.jpg ALL-BLACKS > France 23/10 - 21:00 France 7 - 8 New Zealand (Auckland) Bronze Final: 21/10 - 20:30 Wales 18 - 21 Australia (Auckland) See also: By the numbers
  5. 15 hours and still nothing concrete?! Come on.... <_<
  6. http://www.hoopsworld.com/nba-chat-with-eric-pincus-102511/ Props to Eric Pincus.
  7. Looks like our guys are playing with the top players of the league. This is by far the best collection of players...By far. Original article in Spanish but I used a translator to post it in English. Thanks to Clippsnation for finding this: Original article in Spanish: http://www.primerahora.com/vienenkobebryantylebronjames-570711.html
  8. http://miyvue.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4635:you-again-kim-collins-wins-silver-at-pan-am-games&catid=42:rokstories
  9. ^ http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lang Talk about being off-topic, once again.. Oh, and just for the record, here's how Šhãłïq sees things: http://i41.tinypic.com/n3w8b4.jpg EDIT: More like: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/199/viewv.png
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2052877/Boyfriend-beat-girlfriend-order-Facebook-password.html
  11. Most Ridiculous Language? Been studying Brazilian Portuguese for almost four years and I gotta go with it. They ain't got a word for 'warm', there's only 'hot' and 'cold'. There ain't no word for 'windy' -- you gotta use 3-4 words to describe it. No word for 'cold' (sickness)... They don't say 'air-conditioner', they say 'air-conditioned' - for example: "I want a room with 'air-conditioned' (WTF?!) Their word for 'soft drink' is 'refrigerante'.. How come? Soft drink is not the only thing that's served cold... <_< 'Mayor' means 'bigger'.. Phonetics. RIDICULOUSLY LAME! Worse than Japanese who replace L with R. In Brazilian Portuguese a word CANNOT end in a consonant. So they invent an '-i at the end: Hoti Dogi, Internet-ee, hip-i-hop-i, Lenny Kravitz-i (Come on! <_< ) There are many other examples why I think Portuguese is ridiculous. Which lang. do you got?
  12. Here: http://i41.tinypic.com/mmr2nb.jpg
  13. Source http://iaaf.org/news/newsid=62788.html
  14. *** Notice Raja says "product" when mentioning the players *** One issue for the players is that before calculating the BRI for a season the NBA takes their operating costs out of the money pool. Bell said he understands why fans would feel players should just take their 50% and play ball, but also explains why the BRI is the big sticking point. “No to a certain degree I do understand a fan’s perspective on that, but at the end of the day like – let’s use Shell Oil as a corporation. Shell Oil – whoever runs that company – makes billions and billions of dollars, right? But without the oil they make nothing. The oil is the product they are selling and the owners are selling us as the product and without that product there is nothing. You understand where we are coming from when we say 50-50 (split of revenue) isn’t exactly 50-50, when you take your operating costs off the top? “50-50 is not an accurate depiction of what it breaks down to be once an owners has recouped all of his operating costs,” Bell continued. “You have to understand these owners are crafty.... MUST READ ON: http://www.hoopsworld.com/nba-pm-is-david-stern-to-blame/ for those who won't bother to read the full article: "I always go back to the essence and the basics of it. It is a lockout not a strike. We were in favor of extending the current collective bargaining agreement. Now we understood that the owners didn’t necessarily want that and we wanted to make concessions and try to make our league healthy, but it’s not us on strike."
  15. "When Clippers owner Donald Sterling said at a league meeting that he’d fire Stern if it was up to him, it actually came at Stern’s prompting, noticing Donald was stewing, realizing an outburst would scare owners back to David, as opposed to lining up behind Donald." http://sheridanhoops.com/2011/10/24/heisler-column-at-long-last-crunch-time/
  16. I don't believe it's Eric Gordon. I'm not hating him, but I believe that if you get the "Underrated" tag, you're not that underrated. (Same with Shane Battier, Aldridge.) I think Foye's our underrated player, especially defensively. If you look at the Knick's game at MSG, he made clutch shot after clutch shot which eventually won us the game. Even my dad was like: "Wow, who's this guy?" So, who do you think it is?
  17. First FIFA You Ever Played? I kicked it off with: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9a/FIFA_98_cover.jpg
  18. http://www.jornalmassa.com.br/arquivos/jornalpopular/imagens/2011/10/540x360_68421.jpg Lucilene Caetano, representante de Goiás; Nueli Alves, do Rio de Janeiro; Tatiane Minerato, de São Paulo
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