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Everything posted by Sħãlïq™

  1. Word up!! Voted the QB Fumble Razzle Dazzle!!
  2. Ex-student. And I ain't jerking it to anyone... WTF?! <_< And I know that pic ain't the best.. she looks way better tho'.
  3. MUCHAS GRACIAS but.... it only displyas the last 5 topics. How can I get a more detailed search?
  4. ^Yesssirrrrrr! And here's one of my hottest students (I teach English ), 3rd clockwise (the one with 'AMIZADE' on her titties ): http://i54.tinypic.com/32zrg3a.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/32zrg3a.jpg[/img]
  5. Word, nothing can make up for it. Nothing can fill up a lockout hole. <_<
  6. ZOMG!!! Met this chick in Wal-Mart last month: http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f321/sha44/NBA/flavia.jpg And she added me on FB!!!!! :rock:
  7. Wo-aww!!!! I had forgotten that one!! Thanks for the reminder, B!!! EDIT: Make a 2011 version, please!
  8. LOL! I thought it was like oldschool OTR classic banners. Like this one: http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f321/sha44/not_jack.jpg Anyhow -- Happy Birthday, Erin! P.S. What ever happened to her?
  9. Dear OTR Staff, Could you please bring back the option that diplays all topics started by a member at the member's profile page? The current format ('Find My Content') is not at all as good and useful. It mixes topics and posts, and it takes me ages to find a certain topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this. OTR, One Ball, One Board!!
  10. Shaliq's current persona: http://getpersonas-cdn.mozilla.net/static_json/7/3/185073/preview_large.jpg?1271283405
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FroWeVZNbI8
  12. Yeah, boring scoreless draw.. It's actually the first leg of a home and away old cup game. Seemed like a friendly though.
  13. Me too.. and stunned by AC Milan's 2-2 draw with Barça.
  14. Yeah, great win! 'Grats bro! NZL raped Japan last night. My man Maa Nonu was beastin' as always!
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