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Everything posted by Sħãlïq™

  1. 'A Tribe Called Bench' is born Love this nickname!! #ATribeCalledBench
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD0GrtN46MU
  3. http://distilleryimage1.instagram.com/2ded8636428e11e2a23c22000a1f9d66_7.jpg
  4. The last time we won seven straight was 21 seasons ago (1991-'92)... It's time for another 7-game win. streak!
  5. Seja bem-vindo! (Esse é o único lugar por aqui aonde dá pra falar português) ;)

  6. My link Good. He won't be the West's Player of the Month though.
  7. Viktor who? I mean.. wow, that's a good reality check. I hadn't realized it's that bad.
  8. http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/72351_572201686129842_844638546_n.jpg http://www.diversityhuman.com/public/Sports/manny-pacquiao-marquez-meme-funny-pictures/marquez-pacquiao-knock-out-meme-beach.jpg
  9. Hey man, how's it in your new place..?

  10. Yeah, it's Kris Lang. No question about it!
  11. Yeah, I was surprised to see 'em ahead of Miami and LAC... +51?! What's the record for highest +?
  12. NBA’s Ryan Gomes helped save USU Aggies' Danny Berger http://www.usustats.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/dannyfamily.jpg NESN
  13. http://thebiglead.fantasysportsven.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/bucs-kid-cheerleaders.gif
  14. And 1-9 when Kobe scores over 30 pts (he finished with 34). Seriously, how does a team with DH12 get owned 54-34 in the paint? http://www.latimes.com/sports/basketball/nba/lakers/la-sp-elliott-lakers-20121210,0,47157.column
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-ORJddr0QY
  16. http://thebiglead.fantasysportsven.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/rg3-hurt-12-9-12.gif Source
  17. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meif6u0myf1qz6f5ho1_1280.jpg Ty-Chan > Kelly Slater
  18. http://i.imgur.com/nzwNo.jpg Game 19: PHX @ LAC 99:117 (13-6, 1st Pacific) Source http://i.imgur.com/nzwNo.jpg Game 20: TOR @ LAC 83:102 (14-6, 1st Pacific) http://i47.tinypic.com/300tmdc.png Bledsoe went 6-9 for 14 pts. 6 asts, 4 rebs, 2 blks, 2 stls on his 22nd birthday. He led the Clippers team in +/- with +21. CP3 couldn't figure out the Raptor's defense but Bledsoe broke through it. The former Kentucky standout was also mainly responsible for a 21-4 blitz over the final 9:05 to turn a tight game into a 102-83 rout of the visiting Raptors. It's LA's 6th straight win. Happy Birthday, E-Bled!!! http://i50.tinypic.com/20aqjw6.jpg
  19. http://i50.tinypic.com/9kxytz.png >>Notable Dates in Clippers History<< **DECEMBER 9th, 1989 ** http://everythingkentuckyonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/eric-bledsoe-kentucky.jpg Eric Bledsoe was born in Birmingham, AL. ****
  20. You ain't missed much.... http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/6061/worshipbmw1is3vk.gif
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