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Everything posted by Sħãlïq™

  1. Li-Ning? Is this a joke?!! :o That's gotta be the worst brand out there.
  2. So I joined his site today just to promote DH. Here's the reply I got: http://i.imgur.com/Gth9W.png
  3. Tired of hearing how they're a great organization?
  4. Style of baseball played. Anyway, it's crazy that the home team didnt win any of the 5 games in this series.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTYAJcku8V8
  6. Their new court (no need to start a new thread about it): http://i47.tinypic.com/2pte3av.jpg
  7. Yeah I know, but I still find the AL more exciting.
  8. One thing we could adopt from them is (last line): http://i.imgur.com/nEXx2.png P.S. Just outta curiosity, why was Warren2ThaG's buddy (Buried_in_Snow) banned?
  9. Today: http://i.imgur.com/lO6u6.png I'm pretty sure we've had 68 in the past. Anyway, what's our record?
  10. I meant the last two. Don't mention it.
  11. Other intriguing thing - how everyone answered this:
  12. It's amazing how no one who posted has voted in the poll... http://i.imgur.com/w9z4B.png
  13. Lakers to unveil new Staples Center floor The Lakers will have a new home floor to play on this season, and it features the franchise’s 16 NBA titles commemorated around the main logo at midcourt. The baselines also featured a better look: the famed “Lakers” script from the team logo instead of the block-style white letters that previously sat under each basket. Here’s a sneak peek from a photo posted by Staples Center’s Twitter account: http://lakers.ocregister.com/2012/10/09/lakers-to-unveil-new-staples-center-floor/74112/ Compare to the old one (block-style white letters, and no titles around the midcourt logo): http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/roliemendoza/000.jpg Thoughts?
  14. This guy, Scottbball, a Clippers fan, has joined this year - in February, when the Clippers subforum was pretty busy, and still hasn't made a single post!
  15. Just before the Lakers' exhibition loss to the Blazers tonight: OC Register.com
  16. Who remembers Harry (Burks)? He was one of our good writers... What ever happened to him?? EDIT: I miss platoon....
  17. Confirming that tweet - he's already signed: Source
  18. Yo, Buried_in_Snow, can I include a link to DiscussHoops.com in my sig there?
  19. How did you find DiscussHoops.com?

  20. I don't get too excited about NL baseball, it's kinda boring compared to the AL style, but like Ajay said Cardinals vs. Giants was just epic! How often have two defending World Series champs met in the LCS?
  21. Valverde's gotta be one of the biggest showboats in baseball. I enjoy watching him blow crucial games.
  22. http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-QE597_count1_NS_20111019231039.jpg
  23. AWESOME!!! My favorite ones so far (out of all three new Nets unis).
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