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Everything posted by Art

  1. David West Now A Goner Too In addition to Pacers, who've spoken with David West's reps, several non-room teams have inquired about FA forward: DAL, Spurs, MIA, ATL. https://twitter.com/#!/KBergCBS/stat...24784385011712 Hornets willing to let West go in sign/trade if it will get him to contender and bring back an asset or two, sources say. https://twitter.com/#!/KBergCBS/stat...25037028913152
  2. A point guard like player is exactly what this team needs and he fits there 6'6 preferred player type.
  3. Baron Davis would be a great fit, Shard could do well.
  4. T-Mac had a good year last year and Rose has already stated he covets mac in past years; this seems like a good fit.
  5. I got invited but when I accepted no chat came up
  6. Jen stop being rude;You at 116 now and think you can talk to people any way you want too.
  7. This is best decision for him sorry to say.
  8. Just went to follies strip club and had a blast.
  9. I wish him the best if he leaves. I love DX,
  10. The mavericks are too deep for their own damn good.
  11. i dont like baseball but that looks interesting
  12. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/252/bigbreastedteen.jpg ZOMG...
  13. Stevenson... http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/568/97941327.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  14. Some of that stuff ya'll posting is hilarious.
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