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Everything posted by Art

  1. I'm really intrigued to see what David West does this off-season.
  2. I can't wait to see what this team does in the off-season. If we can somehow get another legit wing player things will look really promising for this team.
  3. Smart move by LBJ, why pay when you have the spotlight on yourself and other companies can profit from your marketability.
  4. The story does not have any quotes just rumors and speculation.
  5. Maybe they will be the team that Vegas never had.
  6. Phil's just bantering the Heat's young coach in an effort to further hinder the Heats maturation as a team. Erick was around this same win and lose mark last year with a mediocre team that went on to place 5th in the eastern conference standings. For him to be in the same place with an untested team deserves a pat on his back not a gone fishing sign. This is just Phil sensationalizing the matter for his teams benefit. By creating a chaotic situation he probably feels that while the Heat are considerd to be "struggling" he can hinder them further by provoking a coaching change.
  7. In Dallas LeBron could have won immediately but in Miami its going to take a lot of patience and more concrete offensive sets.
  8. He would fit great in Mike's system and give them a veteran ultimate team player.
  9. I think Kanye may possibly be drinking too much alcohol.
  10. The Suns really need to start Dragic so trading Steve Nash is a good idea. Nash's leadership would be great for the Heat but his defense is terrid.
  11. Will Oden sign with the Heat... (Rhetorical Question)
  12. MVP for CP3 would be nice, but I'd rather have a strong contention in the playoffs this year.
  13. The Hornets have needed a second perimeter creator for the past few years; Once NOH gets a legitimate second perimeter creator they will be a team that can legitimately contend.
  14. LeBron is right there is no way the Heat can last through out and 82 game season with Wade, Bosh, or Bron playong 40 plus minutes. Pat Riley has faith in Erik Spolestra so I think he should be able to figure this out.
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