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Everything posted by Art

  1. It lagged out bro I forgot to set my connection up correctly.
  2. brb sorry guys I have to help my stepfather with something i'll be back on in like 30 mins.
  3. I never saw a prime KG on D but there are not many that can contest with Dwight...
  4. Good game Poe that was really fun. I'm on today everyone btw.
  5. Monday through Friday I'm available. Saturday and Sundays I have to work.
  6. This last guy needs to sign up...
  7. These videos are always so interesting.
  8. When I hear talkin, I just dont know what to make of it, Hate is so familiar to me, I’m slowly embracing it

  9. plus its like michael jordan said i can accept the idea of failure concerning asking a girl out but i can not accept not trying to make her smile...

  10. With more kicks than a baby in a mother's stomach

  11. Who cares if the city loves him if the organization clearly sees him as a check.
  12. Cool just post in this thread to let me know if he joined by Friday because i dont think i can tell if i just look the league up.
  13. Its never been one player team. All winning teams had multiple superstars. you people are so eh... http://i31.tinypic.com/1rf7ut.jpg http://i28.tinypic.com/syqwbd.jpg http://i29.tinypic.com/28sy0y9.jpg
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