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Everything posted by Art

  1. Probably so because his reasoning for the change was that he thought 23 should be forever known as MJ.
  2. I was gonna post this i was just like whatever. The Hornets are basically done.
  3. Id love to replace an inactive. GT: Martellis
  4. Call me Mr Zone 6

  5. I honestly dont think they are now but we will see how there bench and coaching situation develops.
  6. Hes just undersized is my only problem but whatever i dont know this teams direction., I'm pissed Peja renewed his contract for an ungawdy amount.
  7. That was terribly unprofesional by him.
  8. They went from contenders to pretenders in one night. Dang.
  9. Hitched, i mean most love stories are scary lol.
  10. yo yo yo come check this crazy flow...

  11. The world is very diffrent you know why... its gucci time!

  12. word word dwayne wade doing it big
  13. connected my facebook account

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