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Everything posted by Art

  1. Thats what she said... I love this video lol. Don't drink the vitamin water just pour it over your chest and wipe your mouth. Classic.
  2. You guys do not need Kobe to win one or two games but def in the playoffs.
  3. He really has no reason to cry. Al the sponsors will be back on his jock soon enough.
  4. Yeah I'm liking the look...
  5. Hey guys hurry hurry... Downoad Link
  6. Well talk your [expletive] then Obama. I like that... "Wapp"
  7. Well say some more cuss words then sheed. I like the feisty-ness.
  8. Like getting 13 dimes and 20 plus points is easy... please youtube guy stick to eating cake and making useless videos that compensate for your non athletic abilities.
  9. Usually Crown Royal and a couple of strippers when I watch the games. Being as i don't have cable in my home I usually just go to where its provided.
  10. I be tweeting up me ladies all the time.
  11. I swear Popovich acts as if he wants to be on the Lakers team with all of the comments he makes about them.
  12. I'm in love... http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2803/snap5.jpg
  13. Uh... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp6qJ7LZNlg&feature=player_embedded
  14. Doc you seem like you are going to have him broke before the money even deposits in his bank.
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