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Everything posted by Art

  1. I will definitely be checking this book out. I like to read and this will be interesting to know just who was involved.
  2. That dude is going to explode with air bubbles lol.
  3. Hey did you forget to post a link to the article?
  4. Funny how a celebrity always seems to take over news stands whenever important things are happening in politics; for example the most recent political stories involve the new health care plan and war strategy yet Tiger's infidelity is the main topic.
  5. I think otrbasketball.com should be in the bottom right corner in smaller type making your main graphic and phrase the main focus. other than that this looks very professional and definitely gets the job done.
  6. It almost seems as if he is trying to tease everyone with his on and off comments of joining the dunk contest. The event usually sucks nowadays anyways so its no big deal for me I probably would not watch regardless.
  7. http://i38.tinypic.com/eljyq.jpg I think that one is your most creative one. You should definitely branch out to using other teams and there color schemes though.
  8. I was pretty upset he set a exit date but after reading you guys post's i do agree he is a politician and was most likely saying what people wanted to hear in a effort to maintain calm in the states.
  9. Being so open to the media is starting to backfire a bit.
  10. He signed for 650,000 thats pretty cool.
  11. Make sure to get it in and let some money fall all over your skin on your break.
  12. If only my sound worked I could see what this song is about from Wayne that Sheed posted.
  13. Its probably a sign that you are downloading too much porn my dear sir.
  14. What would be really cool if the neighborhood you made for your train set features the homes of all of your close friends in actual locations if close enough.
  15. Well the article stated Lou would probably start as well as Ivo once he gets back so that sounds interesting.
  16. In all honesty do you think the team would have been better with A.I. replacing Conley in the starting lineup? If you really are adamant about O.J. playing point then Iverson could have played S.G.
  17. Its funny you bring that up because there is suppose to be a separation of Church and State yet the dollars have the " In God We Trust," phrase. Quite hypocritical one may think.
  18. Nice hardwood floor paneling. B's a carpenter of sorts.
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