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Everything posted by Art

  1. This thread will be locked before to long...
  2. Is this poll for who is more dominant currently or overall?
  3. Kobe and Gasol now until someone knocks them off the top.
  4. Not many people wear du-rags anymore actually but I undersatnd your point. No one can live up to the hype that builds when you take a break at your peak, Alla Jordan.
  5. That little dude be getting all the woman i bet.
  6. They were raised by television...
  7. You set yourself up for fail with that bro; autotuning rappers...
  8. Drake did not write Souljah Boy's lyrics for this song what are you talking about.
  9. Free fall with hands and head sandwiched between two pillows.
  10. He's still available just had a bad season last year.
  11. In the video Vick said he was making a conscious effort to help more animals than he hurt; I guess it was all a PR move.
  12. The top of the board look's alot better without the team icons. Are you going to do the rollover team names for each forum again? I really hope so that looked quite snazzy.
  13. She should'nt have went emo and thrown away his ish.
  14. No, last year Butler was very consistent and he actually had a career year. Though up until then he was very unproductive. In that snippet I posted above Weber state's that the team is going to pursue many trades up until training camp and that all trades won't seem as Hornets wins at first glance but in the long run will lead to a overall better team. It's going to take time for everything to unfold and is a process that will not be completed this year but over time. I don't know for sure what the starting line-up will be but I do know that Peja's gigantic contract will be up in a year and that both Antonio Daniels as well as Mo-Petes contract's are ending soon. So my guess is that through trades and a possible splash in free agency the Hornets future looks bright again.
  15. Following the Tyson trade here is what Hugh Weber said about the team's overall plan. Take that for what you will but Tyson and Rasual were not consistent enough to be regarded as realistic permanent peices. Hornets Report
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