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Everything posted by Art

  1. Your Xbox is defected bro, you got the red rings of death...
  2. I missed them too; you should have hosted them yourselves.
  3. Blasco is right my fellow Hornets fan; Before last year Butler was not able to produce at all for NOH.
  4. Me and my friend talked about that yesterday too; I bet all of his endorsements and fame played a big role in his sentencing. Politics of USA I suppose; Vick was definately made out to be an example.
  5. These Jerseys look a lot better; the old ones looked very boring.
  6. You should and you will. I can't picture LKR not playing the games he loves no matter how mundane most games have become.
  7. Another inconsistent player shipped out. Thumbs up.
  8. It might be though I heard it was not necessarily 100 healthy. Actually I choose to get all of my information from intelligent forum posters like you; oh how can I devote my life to your supreme wit? I never said creatine was as bad as steroids anyway I just mentioned my friend took it; context clues will tell you that I do not know anyone personally that has taken any more harder drugs. Just because it's legal does not mean its healthy for you anyway.
  9. I don't have a favorite anymore to be honest; the NBA has too many politics for me to genuinely like a player. Though the guy that got me to watch the NBA was A.I. so I will always have a soft spot for him.
  10. Yeah thats what upsets me about politics, people want to complain when its conveinient for them. USA's deficit/surplus has fluctuated ever since the US started. IMO just keep your loved ones close, handle your business, stay concious and humble.
  11. Francis was a hell of alot more entertaining. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJIoDdxByoY
  12. I had a friend that took creatine.
  13. For Kleiza to not pursue all his options would be very un-wise.
  14. Yeah employers check employees pages on a regualr basis now, it's somewhat creepy.
  15. I really like the successful beat.
  16. Drinking a 40 listening to young Buck cry; so Gangsta. Dude's funny though.
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