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Everything posted by Art

  1. I would actually like to see purple but it's your choice B. NBA.com/hornets actually has a purple background btw.
  2. You are still upset about him leaving the Sixers. J'K I never said AI was a lyricist, it's just funny that he made a cd and this was the only song from it I liked.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2skYVPGExgY
  4. I bet my rent money that he will shake hands next year if he's in the same predicament. Nike will not take the PR buzz kill they have too much invested in his product.
  5. Okafor is five pounds heavier than Nené yet one inch shorter; I think he will be fine at center. Though as for this poll it's too early to tell how all these guys will gel.
  6. He really should just focus on getting better and let the NBA god's handle the business aspect.
  7. Thx for the article; as long as Okafor rebounds and hustles I think he will be fine.
  8. You are not the only one that is or was surprised. At first it seemed like every big team made moves. The Hornets seemed destined to ride into next year without signing any free agents or attempting to improve through trades. Yet they came out pretty good here IMO.
  9. He was simply arrogant which you can tell by that CNN interview.
  10. The Hornets traded Chandler for him.
  11. Can not wait to see Shaq and LBJ's entrance's; they should be really funny.
  12. The jacket is so totally random; It could from his personal closet or team issued for the players like those red Rockets jackets.
  13. Uniform Pictures: http://i25.tinypic.com/309t0g3.jpg http://i27.tinypic.com/jscd54.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/jjy9z5.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/34haw4n.jpg http://i30.tinypic.com/fv8i0p.jpg
  14. Video Link: http://i31.tinypic.com/98ubdf.png Pictures: http://i29.tinypic.com/95u611.jpg http://i29.tinypic.com/25zgi29.jpg http://i25.tinypic.com/2j5kjfr.jpg http://i32.tinypic.com/oqav6b.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/2wpifl4.jpg
  15. http://i26.tinypic.com/wkspaq.png theAGE.com
  16. He acts like this all the time on his JTV channel; I think it is just his personality.
  17. I tend to only play games when I'm in a party of people, otherwise I lose interest really fast.
  18. http://i25.tinypic.com/ivy7aq.png Chicago Tribune
  19. Poor guy got used as an example, but apparently he was hosting music as well as downloading.Hosting is different from just downloading because he was actually putting music out there for illegal downloads.
  20. I do think you guys need one more big name player, I'm not sold on Shaq yet but we will see.
  21. Always a pleasure bro; thanks so much. Props!
  22. A.I. could fit really well here or alongside Baron on the Clips.
  23. Full Story... Stephon and multiple car crew were going to an event to talk to a little boy that had a poor upbringing. While in the car Stephon told his driver to turn left but his driver ignored him. So Steph said make a u-turn and his driver stopped in the road instead and got hit by Marbury's tailing crew. Steph then went on to say do not worry about the accident it's just the devil trying to stop me from going to the kid and instructs his crew to keep driving.
  24. Yeah the auto tune allows him to stretch weak versus over songs and made me lose a lot of respect for him. I'm not denying that Every girl is the lead single for that album I'm just saying it was released a bit earlier and now it has gotten alot of pun. Also a couple of the newer song's he has been featured on have old versus that he resurrects. I'm not knocking his business plan, that's brilliant for him to use his better material, it just seems like he is not 100 percent in rapping like he use to be. I know he is moving on to managing his artists but it just sucks though. If you like all of Wayne's new stuff that is cool, I'm just not into him anymore. I check from time to time to see what he's doing and I noticed this trend of recycling versus.
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