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Everything posted by Art

  1. This song has been on heavy rotation for me since it came out. I absolutely love it.
  2. This is a real old song bro. He made this when he actually rapped. About two years ago the first part of this song was leaked but now I guess he released the whole song... Apparently it was suppose to be on DJ Drama's Gangsta Grill album. Also the song "I wish I could F every girl" is really old as well but for some odd reason recently got a lot of hype. Wayne does not rap like this anymore and I don't listen to him like I use to for that reason.
  3. http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/3010/detroit.png NBA.com/HORNETS
  4. Him and Fartman are taking the NBA players by storm.
  5. You have too much time on your hands dude.
  6. This signing was unexpected; I'm not sure how Gooden will fit their rotation.
  7. Man I so hope so; he would fit both of these club's nicely.
  8. I guess L.O. genuinely feels disrespected by the Lakers offer; Weird...
  9. Recent books read and currently reading: Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, In Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism) The Biography of Malcolm X Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The Paper Towns Barack Obama Dreams From My Father Barack Obama The Audacity Of Hope Emotional Intelligence An Unquiet Mind: A memoir of Moods and Madness BOLDED: Highly Recommended!
  10. The media should really stop jumping at every opportunity to ride this dude, they have been on his back since he was a teenager.
  11. I will sell you my 1998 Nissan Altima for 22k flat.
  12. Yeah I have always liked the custom team.
  13. The first was funny, you have to have good friends for that.
  14. http://i30.tinypic.com/2ziu938.png jalopnik.com
  15. Cash is the man. Quincy Jones is pretty good.
  16. thats cool; I actually respect Ariza's decision to leave L.A. now. I mean the guy worked his whole career to make it to a team like the Lakers then he used them to propel hinself to a good situation. Congratz.
  17. I think if he was leaving L.A. he would have left by now.
  18. Moon gives them the option to match up better with Orlando, by possibly moving LBJ to the 4, but it does not limit there ability to play a very similar line up as last year with Moon playing the two and Mo at the 1.
  19. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/4213/argentinab.jpg Wow! The soccer pictures are where its at.
  20. Art


    Yeah it works; you are right. Like I said it looks great just wasn't 100 percent on the left but it's cool.
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