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His Greatness

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Everything posted by His Greatness

  1. My answer is not really, but we shouldn't take away any grandfathered ones.
  2. What a pompous cunt. Who spends time justifying themselves during an apology?
  3. wtf, no one is equipping mass murderers, we're (needlessly) unequipping honest citizens. Yes, we should do a better job screening, but there's no reason for another assault weapons ban that historically has made virtually no impact. BTW, there was already an assault weapons ban in Connecticut when that kook went off. So there.
  4. http://liberty.com/content/teenager-uses-ar-15-defend-home-intruder This happened last week. Could he have thwarted the intruders with a Glock or any other handgun? Sure. But the fact is he picked up an AR-15. It wasn't out of malice, and he didn't have homicidal fantasies... he had to defend his sister. Maybe he felt more comfortable with the AR-15 and the superior range and precision it offered. Perhaps he felt that he needed more rounds to thwart the intruders, I don't know, but that family purchased that gun with self-defense (amongst other things) in mind, and it served its purpose. I don't need to drive to work, it's walking distance. I don't need to have a big screen TV, but I still bought it because I liked it. I don't need to be posting this at all, but I still am because I want to. So when you ask me why I need an AR-15, my answer is that I don't, but I also don't need it to be taken away. What happens when the "assault weapons" ban inevitably fails and does nothing? Do I really need to have more than one gun for self defense? Why not rubber bullets? etc. etc. There isn't a by the book number to how many shots you need to deter an x amount of intruders. It's impossible to gauge a highly intense situation like that and how any individual person will handle themselves. It's also nearly impossible that each shot accurately hits its target. Either way, I don't felt too strongly about this because I feel like it's such a non-issue. Any gun owner with a modicum of proficiency can/should reload effortlessly. Agreed on both counts.
  5. But where is the line, and who gets to draw it? Who are you (or anyone) to say that I don't need to have an AR-15? It's the principles behind it and the precedent it sets that's concerning. That's exactly why misinformation is perpetuated. People see the stock, the pistol grip, and other cosmetic similarities and get the wrong impression that it's an assault rifle. It's not, and I can assure you no hardcore military shit is available to civilians.
  6. You are at an increased risk of being killed every time a crazy person is in your presence, whether he's wielding an AR-15, a hammer, or even driving a car. You're focusing on the wrong things.
  7. More thorough screening sounds good, but I'm curious about how the mental health programs will be regulated. I'm honestly surprised there wasn't more. And ECN is right, a scary looking guns ban is going to do essentially nothing to curb crime. Our time, effort, and resources are better spent elsewhere—with non-trivial issues—to achieve reform. http://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/armed-citizen.aspx
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b3mftcV0dY
  9. Those assault weapons used in the shootings are functionally identical to hunting rifles. You'd be surprised how fast you can burn through those rounds at the shooting range.
  10. Loved seeing Cortland Finnegan get punked.
  11. If we want to lower murder rates then we should just criminalize homicide.
  12. Great movie, but sitting still for three hours is the worst. Be careful Justin, the movie uses the word [expletive]er a lot. EDIT: lol @ the "n-word" being censored. Honkey spic gook
  13. Reporting in from Hell here. I've seen DBF, but where are the rest of you guys?
  14. ECN, are you saying that owning a gun comes with a modicum of responsibility?
  15. Anyone else in stitches when Shaq loudly repeats names in a humorous tone? He's a comedic genius.
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