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Everything posted by deestillballin

  1. I think he will be in the top 10, but not the top 5.
  2. I will have to agree with Lemon alot of people think that Boozer leaving will make them worse, I still feel that they can make A LOT of noise. I'm also going with Cleveland , They may have lost their star player, but it wasn't their only player. They may not make the playoffs but I see them at at least a 9th or Barely getting that 8th seed
  3. Im with His Greatness, Guru and SRV, i used to get the hell beat out of me. One childhood memory I have was when I was in high school, I thought I was being "cool" and I tried weed at the school bus stop. I was lucky I wasnt expelled but my mom beat the HELL outta me lol. I also remember my dad leaving and my mom doing the role of the mom and the dad
  4. Isn't that the truth, and Bosh rated above Dirk really?!?!
  5. Trade Deadline, It will be that "one blockbuster" deal that happens almost every year
  6. Well I don't think that would happen being that Im into girls and I dont think my girlfriend likes guys considering we both like women
  7. Im not saying that, but even you know that death is just the cowards way out, am I for it, yes but at hand its an easy way out, I'd much rather have a torture chamber than a death chamber. Its just too much of an easy way out.
  8. I think its too easy of a punishment. IMO. Easy way out, no justice at all.
  9. 2006 NBA Finals. I have never cried over a sport before, My heart was crushed, that killed me,. 2007 First round playoffs. that was our year, that hurt as well but not as much as the Finals.
  10. I dont hate to say it but Confidence sums it all up with LeBron James
  11. WTF what a snub to Swin Cash, and Renee Montgomery dunno what games these people have been watching. Gotta give props to my girl Catchings tho. Congrats to all the award Winners
  12. Kobe Bryant Ill be first to say it. He has a great game, and i HATE Kobe the player for it, I love to hate it esp going against one of my teams lol. I do not hate Kobe the person, i hate Kobe the plaer
  13. I dont know whats worse the fact that she got owned by the watermelon or the fact they told her she has to finish LMAO
  14. Hey that website is quite funny. I love the shoes
  15. I really do think the bulls have a chance of being a top 4 seed this season. They basically took the Jazz over, with Boozer Brewer etc.. I think they will be one of the powerhouses to look at. And Yes I think they actaully might have a chance at the ECF
  16. I have that falling dream too.. its werid. I wake up right before I fall. Or a dream where i am about to be shot, and i wake up as the shot is fired
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