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Everything posted by deestillballin

  1. B- its not always about looks.... you said she is perfect but i cant get it when I want it so no. lol And I need my self a willing party real talk no more of looking for just looks
  2. I might be late but I saw it and it was GOOOOD. I saw it in 3d worth the money And, no its not all in one movie
  3. deestillballin GT - deestillballin Team - Mavericks
  4. Ok here is my opinion. I agree with what Poe said in some sence: If rings makes the better player, then what in the hell is John Stockton doing in the HOF over Derek Fisher right? If that dosen't prove to be true what would you say. John Stockton was the greatest PG of all time? What makes you say that, he made his temates better? How do we know that? Stats right, but in this debate I have had with many people "Stats are over rated", so again I ask, how do we know that Fisher isnt a snub in th HOF over John Stockton? Why isn't Robert Horry in the HOF he has 7 rings? Wow Karl Malone over Horry? Malone dosen't have one ring to his name. You may say what I stated is baseless, but is proving my point... I for one DO NOT think Rings Automatically makes you the better player... EDIT: FIXED.. it didn't add my poll to begin with
  5. 1. Lakers 2. Mavs 3. Thunder 4. Rockets 5. Jazz 6. Blazers 7. Nuggets 8. Spurs 9. Hornets 10. Suns 11. Grizzlies 12. Clippers 13. Kings 14. Warriors 15. Timberwolves
  6. I really can't remember if there is a topic on this if it is Merge away I see alot of debates on here so I figued I would start(or continue) one. Is it really the Rings that make you the better player? I will post my opinion later. I want to see what everybody has to say
  7. 1. Excluding Basketball what is your favorite sport? 2. Excluding the houston rockets, what is a basketball team u support 3. or 4. if you had an oppurtunity to be in the NBA BUT you have to play for your most hated team would you do it. 5. same rules apply, you are a dead eye 3pt shooter, youre agianst the rockets 1.4seconds left in game 7 of the nba championsip game, do you shoot and win or let your favorite team win.
  8. LOL, Westbrook is right though about the weather. One day its sunny the next is raining.. 5 mins later you could have a snow storm lol
  9. The Blizzard - Blizzards Link The Tornados- Tornados Link The Hail Storm - Hail Storm Link Now Floods - Floods Link All within a span of 7 Months But hey what Can I say. If you dont like the weather in Oklahoma.. Wait 15 mins Still crazy though, I wonder if its possible for a state like this just to sink off the face of the eart <sarcasm>
  10. Election Day has this one beat i think At least here suspensions and bans didn't happen lol
  11. lmao i think its funny jupiter?? really LFMAO
  12. i hope they bring back my player with some addtional options option to sim some games the option to request a trade. also please please include some type of tech option/ejection lol
  13. thinks that anybody that thinks Diana Taurasi is ugly needs their eyes checked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fish7718


      Nah it's you that needs the eye checking

    3. JWaLL


      STL you have strange tastes. she'd kick your [expletive].

    4. Mr. J Thunder

      Mr. J Thunder

      Yes she is sexy is some ways and i agree with your point.

  14. 2k11 will. They will think of something.. I do love the way you ave to make sure the shot is spot on for it to go in though, this might be something i have to cop
  15. Elin got the best free agent deal, lebron, bosh, wade, amare put together can't beat that salary

  16. I think that fixed it.. I can view profiles for now
  17. ^^ I think that the error everybody is getting Hope there is a fix soon
  18. LeBron James - Chicago Bulls Dwyane Wade - Miami Heat Chris Bosh - Miami Heat Amare Stoudemire - New York Knicks Joe Johnson - New York Knicks Carlos Boozer - New Jersey Nets Dirk Nowitzki - Dallas Mavericks Yao Ming - Houston Rockets David Lee - Oklahoma City Thunder Rudy Gay - Memphis Grizzlies Paul Pierce - Los Angeles Clippers (indicates wishful thinking lol)
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