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Everything posted by deestillballin

  1. heck yeah im still screamin they know they coulda called that time out for Kidd. Dirk paied em back though with that dagger of a 3
  2. and to answer your question Keely you are NOT the only person who whats the kings to win.
  3. Wow not a Lamar Foul, bynum pushed the hell outa him ROLF
  4. Thats what takes the cake right there watch him put his arm up. That was a dirty move
  5. I dont think he would type anything like that hes to classy of a guy
  6. ROFL, thats crazy tho. an 'unloaded' in a 'locked container' it his locker. wtf was they doing in his stuff in the fist place.. hell
  7. (CNN) -- Oklahoma's governor ordered every state highway, interstate and turnpike closed Thursday night, hours after declaring a statewide emergency because of a major winter storm battering the state and the rest of the central U.S. "I am urging all Oklahomans to take winter storm precautions and stay off the roads unless travel is absolutely necessary," Gov. Brad Henry said earlier in the day after declaring a state of emergency. "This is a very serious winter storm, and we want Oklahomans to stay safe." Full Story Damn this has been crazy here I got caught twice goin to work I did a major fishtail on a main road I was so scared
  8. http://cdn.bleacherreport.com/images_root/images/photos/000/782/514/80820590.jpg.7708.0_feature.jpg?1261675822 Tracy McGrady will become a free-agent during the upcoming 2010 offseason when he states that he will sign with whichever team gives him the best chances of winning. After competing against the Magic in Orlando the other night, McGrady was asked if he would play for his old team again, and his response was “of course”. “If I was to come back, I was going to rent out (cousin Vince Carter’s) guest house,” McGrady said. Full Story
  9. These New Kobes... http://nicekicks.com/files/2009/12/kobe-v-purp-3.jpg http://nicekicks.com/files/2009/12/kobe-v-purp-4.jpg LInk
  10. Love the Thunder Court. Also the Lakers, i love thier home court for some reason. Amd most of all the Celtics, i love that court too.
  11. Can I Borrow 5 Bucks? Do you like liver? What time it is all the way down to the second! or
  12. Mine is flaming hot Cheetos with cheese sauce and Tabasco esp when im mad
  13. http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/large/44642586.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0ZRYP5X5F6FSMBCCSE82&Expires=1261352679&Signature=KF5fzLVPHx8SIpcm%2FrsNX0IOS%2B4%3D hard at work i think lol
  14. RIP Brittnay Murphy Damn thats 2.. Chris Henry. Brittnay Murphy. Hell I wonder who number three is not trying to jinx anything but we all know death comes in threes
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