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Everything posted by deestillballin

  1. Damn I want this game SO BAD NOW. Im going to reserve copy today.
  2. Another reason I dont like men. So [expletive]ing disgusting of him.
  3. Agreed. he was supposed to have so much potential. im ready to see him suit up here in OKC.
  4. Agreed. Im not against foreign players entering the draft, but this is complete BS.
  5. I agree here to a certian extent. Did she dump you because she thought she found better if she did then nope tell her to suck one and bounce.
  6. http://hphotos-snc1.fbcdn.net/hs136.snc1/5812_103692364658_504824658_2020814_6848307_n.jpg
  7. Brandon, Smitty, Paul, Smoke, Justin Aaron Swishand 50. back in them old days hahaa hell yea i remember that.
  8. Reason Number 75. (if you know me then you know what i mean)
  9. Nuggets 3, for now We have seen what they can do. Most opinions will change in the middle of the season
  10. I love this show!! anybody else watch, thoughts Ideas
  11. This is why I need to move back up there, I know they had them in VA too
  12. Just have a quick question for yall. When I visited a while a go they had a type of chips called Ketchup chips, just wanted to ask do they still have them up there (ive yet to find them in Oklahoma)
  13. Thank you! Again i totally agree...
  14. dont leave out he can take it to the rim like no other Rookie could.
  15. Eff the JET i want the girl... hell i bet every dude does
  16. Hmm if there is away. can you do a lil drop down tab, for english, spanis, french etc...
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