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Everything posted by deestillballin

  1. LMAO didnt even notice that until you pointed it out.
  2. Can't belive Bron acted like this. WOW
  3. Dosent look half bad, not really feeling the cornrows though.
  4. Agreed. I was shocked Denver put in on them
  5. Wow what a punk. Take a little criticism. If Kobe ran away after all his critisim he wouldnt have 4 rings. If Michael Jackson (RIP) would of ran away after his criticism where would he be.
  6. This was a good move by the Celtics. This season will be a crazy season.
  7. Looks like i had a fake ron artest! lol
  8. If he punks out like Nash he will also be on my hit list...
  9. what type of games are you looking to play? do you have a specific Processor you are looking for (AMD or INTEL)
  10. #24 better player. better teammate. not much more to say about that.
  11. 1. In Windows Explorer(Start>Run>Explorer), navigate to the C:\WINDOWS\System32 folder. 2. In that folder locate the file named dfrg.msc. 3. Right click on dfrg.msc and select "Open With..."(or something of that sort) from the menu. (this should bring up a dialog where you can select a program to open this type of file) Hit the Browse button and navigate once again to the C:\WINDOWS\System32 folder. Locate the file named mmc.exe and click on it. Hit the Open button. Back in the Open With dialog, make sure Microsoft Management Console is now highlighted as the program to open this file. If so, put a check mark in the box next to "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file". Click OK. Go back to the Start menu and see if you can launch Disk Defragmenter. Let me know how that turns out.
  12. Wow thats [expletive]ing pathetic. They really should get a life
  13. I was looking forward to it how about this weekend
  14. Cobb - have you tried SR. What OS are you running? If its XP any particular Service Pack?
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