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YugoRocketsFan last won the day on February 24 2013

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About YugoRocketsFan

  • Birthday 04/23/1991

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    Houston, Texas
  • Interests
    football (soccer), and basketball.
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    Ricky Rubio
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  1. Yep, life can be really unfair. He poured a lot of effort into this forum. It’s a shame that great things have to end. Wish i could rewind time back 10 years and truly enjoy what we once all had.
  2. I don’t know if anybody will even read this but our great friend Brandon Neal passed away yesterday morning. It motivated me to check the site once again. Hopefully this all finds you well. If anybody wants to talk for nostalgic reasons my insta is Slaven.beast and my twitter is @slavengetsbig
  3. Hell if i know, we don't even know his name, and no they aren't. The other 2 guys were caught
  4. Wizards are 13-10 since Wall has come back from injury. He might not be good percentage wise on 3s, or field goals but he is still a quality ball handler, and playmaker.
  5. Nope, I was about to leave for the gym My dad was screaming to call the police but there is a certain way to protect yourself and thats with a gun. Yeahh tonsss, they wanted to know all my information, if i knew the guys, if i had any clue as to why they would steal from us. Well sorta, they took us to 5th ward, which is pretty damn ghetto, but thats where the investigations and shit are done.
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