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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/16/l_bc8547e10358cfc877a5757aa7a62ec2.jpg LOL.
  2. Well on the other hand, some Mexican website had a quote saying that Mexican fans were in South Africa mocking the South Africa chant (Bafana Bafana), by saying banana banana.
  3. http://hugemistakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/babyhitler.jpg
  4. Polls added in game threads as Shaliqy Diky requested
  5. True but all the teams in their group have good attack (Australia, Germany, Serbia), John Mensah is a beast though.
  6. Switzerland tied with Italy and I like some of their players, but they arent 23rd since they won their group, I think 14-15 should be better? Cameroon is scary but not top 10. I'd say the same range Switzerland is in.
  7. Hmm, I was actually thinking about that. Good idea.
  8. Click here to see the rest! Cameroon, imo is way too high and Switzerland too low, Spain should also be 1st.
  9. Time: 2:30 ET TV: ESPN, ESPN3.COM, MOBILETV
  10. Time: 10:00 ET TV: ESPN, ESPN3.COM, MOBILETV
  11. No way, Dwight Howard doesnt have any offense and gets stopped too easily.
  12. LOLWTF. Seems a nice story and all, but this has wth written all over it
  13. No the hardest thing to do is hit a full court shot, less than 1% chance, amirite?
  14. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/05/photogalleries/100524-new-species-handfish-walk-science-pictures/?now=2010-05-24-00:01#new-handfish-species-pink_20881_600x450.jpg http://s.ngeo.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/208/cache/new-handfish-species-pink_20881_600x450.jpg
  15. Offensively he said he was the best, which someone can easily agree with.
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