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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. I dont agree with that, i think MVP should be given to the most valuable person, if that one player was injured for an entire season, it would impact the team heavily.
  2. No, but with the way the Hawks played tonight, they have a 99% chance of winning next game.
  3. Magic-Hawks, should be an athletic/exciting series though
  4. Kevin Durant is appalling tonight, dude is shooting 3/19
  5. B TW nm guys, i see why you are praising kobe only tonight
  6. Nah it isnt, just depends whether you can pull it off or not.
  7. Depends what kind u get. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_yBDweVXI338/SxJuAYxSxFI/AAAAAAAABDU/fk5KI6Fgs5I/s1600/18197839_17658862_Lip_Piercing_by_rivjern.jpg Thats super hot on a girl, sometimes girls can pull off snake bites.
  8. Thats the only player really mentioned in these threads, gets annoying really, especially if you see other players doing well.
  9. Why just mention Kobe when Shannon Brown has been playing well?
  10. BTW, wait? He is having a child with his grandma, so that kid will be his uncle and son at the same time, LOL
  11. TBH not surprised, i lost faith in mankind a long time ago. BTW, lol @ him being a wigger.
  12. Meh, i roll with these http://piercingport.com/admin/shop_template/1/product/image2/fce05cc3649639cca4ef2edce9f15346.jpg
  13. Hmmmmmm, I want to make all the game threads.
  14. SRSLY? When I saw Krishna on South Park, seemed like a woman, weirddddddddd.
  15. Pretty sure Krishna is the head of a religion, and Virgin Mary seems like a God in the Catholic world.
  16. Personally, I think its hilarious, and she rightfully deserves it.
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