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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Next one's main story is about facebook, now this will be awesome.
  2. lol why does everyone say, the soldiers are fighting for our freedom? Have people been saying this since the War of Independence ? This "war" is about fighting for Iraq's freedom, or probably finding some oil, whatever the US government doesnt tell us I'd love to move back to Europe, but I cant.
  3. http://byebyeproblem.com/wordpress5/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/nobody-cares1.jpg
  4. Cool, how about instead you stop posting in MW2 threads because nobody wants to hear how much of a gamer you are, nobody cares.
  5. Why are you so bothered by people playing MW2, get a life.
  6. ............................if you think thats why the US are in Iraq then LOL. Obviously when Bush decided to invade Iraq, he was thinking that he needs to protect the lives of people who need to post on forums.
  7. So just because there is a war going on, you can just kill civilians for the heck of it? Plus you're acting like I support what happened.
  8. lol you guys are surprised? The Jazz have been getting calls at their stadium for centuries now.
  9. lol wow, they have been this good? Have not even noticed.
  10. Jordan Hill was a beast, low basketball IQ, ya sure!
  11. The race card is played everywhere and its annoying me now, it wasnt racist at all, and just because the guy happened to be black, doesnt mean it was racist.
  12. .........Kingfish should know its a joke.
  13. CTFD, you only hate it because there are dead cows on some maps.
  14. If its so terrible, then why do a lot of people play it?
  15. [emotional]stop replying to me, hop of my nuts [/emotional] But srsly, put me on ignore or something
  16. They asked him who was one of his white sox players growing up, and he said he didnt follow the white sox until he moved to Chicago.
  17. Obviously, If anyone wants to be a reporter, make sure there are no apaches up there waiting to kill you for no reason.
  18. lol, i dont know if you guys are even serious, they killed innocent people who had no weapons on them. Children died, innocent people died, the guy totally laughed about killing them and even said "OMG you shouldnt bring children to war", these guys dont even deserve to live.
  19. .......so because someone is holding a pipe and a camera it must obviously be RPGS and AK47s. They had no reason to do this, they just fired upon something and laughed, they have no conscience.
  20. Do you really think they should have killed them even though they had no clear view of what they had and would be killing someone for no reason? There was no evidence at all showing they had weapons or were going to plan an attack, so how would they pull the fact that those guys had AK47s and an RPG? Also as quoted in the video, why would the Government say that those guys killed no innocent people? These people should go to jail for murder, thats all I have to say.
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