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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. BTW, same exact thing for me. I applied at many places, and then my friend who has 0 working experience and is dumb as a lamp post gets a job within days of calling and gets immediatly hired after his interview.
  2. No, but theres many people out there who just cant get jobs no matter how hard they try.
  3. Like I said, theres no way I apply at 20 places and not get 1 call especially with a now hiring sign.
  4. Yes some people dont deserve it, but thats because of America's government system, it doesnt give everyone jobs, if people are having 3 kids and not working, maybe we should introduce more socialistic policies which enable people to pay taxes for more children and apply the John Smith rule (if you dont work, you dont eat ) policy, but neither the Republicans or Democrats would want that
  5. Older and more qualified? Didnt think you had to be older or more qualified to work at a movie theater or wal-mart.
  6. Its not also the people's fault that America's beautiful government system doesnt give everyone jobs, even people who apply 20x and dont get one [expletive]ing call.
  7. Ive applied at, at least 3 places that are supposedly hiring now, applied at a few movie theatres, Home Depot, Lowes, Wal-Mart, nobody has even called, and I am getting super fed up with it because I am desperate for money. There is a reason those people should pay more, because they are spending money on a Porsche or a gigantic house (which they dont need) and people who dont have healthcare who are sick need it. Healthcare also does need reform, 44% of Americans or some other number like that is the percentages of Americans who are happy with the current healthcare system while the number is much higher in socialist societies like Denmark (which is in the 90s percentile btw)
  8. I havent gotten 1 interview you mong, even after applying at 20 places. I really love these Republicans who are supposed Christ-lovers and pro-life but dont choose to help kids who dont have healthcare or help the poor, Jesus himself even spoke against the rich and helping the poor, its so hypocritical on so many levels.
  9. Well in a capitalist society, not everybody can work, there have to be homeless people which is why I am all for socialism, everybody can put food in the table, everyone has healthcare and doesnt have to die because they dont have the proper funds to help themselves, capitalism is a system of government for the rich, simple. I am trying to work, but after applying at millions of places, nobody has given me a job, its bull[expletive].
  10. Well since Obama is obviously a black muslim communist from Kenya, he just wants to take the good old money from the rich, who truly deserve that money who spend it on a Rolls Royce or 300,000$ diamond rings and give people who dont have healthcare some help, who should be dead.
  11. Hes 21, you cant expect much out of a person that young especially while his other capibilities are still raw (thought decent), he may be a perfect 3 point shooter but his driving, passing, rebounding, etc. still are very raw.
  12. Yes they would, Obama is obviously a black muslim communist from Kenya who wouldn't know this.
  13. I dont appreciate personal attacks brah, its immature.
  14. lol, I love how 50 people look and only 1 responds. Nobody on IM got it either.
  15. Kingfish made this thread so everyone can give credit to Kobe, obvious. I'd like to give it to Sefolosha though.
  16. Good choice, Ron Paul is easily the best candidate for 2012, he isnt a dumb Republican conservative like McCain or Bush and isnt a dumb Liberal like Obama.
  17. Shane Battier has always been a SF and his defense hasnt been top 5 either.
  18. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/55/152656667_99ae14112f.jpg Its a feline, obviously.
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