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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Well, you obviously havent tried it but legalizing marijuana brings only positives. America, which has the biggest crime rates in the world (with 700+ people in jail for every 100,000 people), jails would benefit from legalizing it. They spend millions of tax money keeping people in jails for minor drug offenses which could room violent criminals who dont deserve to be with society. Profits also are a good idea to legalize it. Weed also isnt addictive and it has killed 0 people in history.
  2. You obviously have as much knowledge of basketball as my grandmother. Ron may be better right now but he is 31 while Ariza is 24, most people would rather have Ariza. Defensive teams? Hes freaking 24. Artest is 31, 7 year difference. Ariza might have had trouble with Melo, but Artest had trouble with Roy. The greenlight? Ok brah, Ariza has taken twice as many shots as Artest and still manages to put 50% in for both 3pt and overall field goal percentage while Artest is shooting a spectacular 25% and getting 7 ppg, WHAT A BEAST. Artest sucks, you are welcome for our trojan horse...er i mean gift.
  3. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a2dVAWr7p7lk Hope it happens soon, so Texas can at least decriminalize regular and legalize medical.
  4. I dont like to agree with PFG because hes an appalling human being. But he isnt lying, Artest is overrated defensively and got owned by Brandon Roy.
  5. I had a friend in 8th grade who listened to them lol.
  6. I hate the Jizz, if we dont win, we should try and injure Okur in the process.
  7. Hanjia: Thanks Aaron (THIS CHEAP MOTHER[expletive]ER GOT ME A 5$ GIFT CARD? WTF! WHAT A [expletive].)
  8. Bynum had a good stretch but who would have thought that he would have done that over an entire season? The Lakers win when their post presence does excellent.
  9. lol, because we are true fans of our teams, we arent regular fans, I get pissed after pre-season loses (exaggeration), but really I get pissed at regular season losses in basketball big time especially if something goes wrong or a team comes back from a big deficit. Like I said, Phitgins is a true fan, goes to tons of games while the most of you guys sit behind a keyboard in Miami and support the Yankees, which is why he takes losses more seriously, should take notes from someone that was raised to love a team.
  10. You have Thunder, Royals, Chiefs as your closest teams, how come you dont support them? Cause they are terrible right?
  11. You guys might hate Philly fans but you should respect them for liking their hometown team which 75% of people dont do .
  12. Well at least the ending of the world series will get people focused on basketball!
  13. lol reggaeton, people still listen to that?
  14. Its not the offense, he needs shots to get into the rhythm and the role you guys have set for him wont give him that many shots.
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