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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. lol @ people debating East-West coast, The East coast is nicer, no ghettos. Anyone that is proudly claiming to be from some ghetto place is an idiot, clean > dirty.
  2. So many altercations today. Pops Mensah Bonsu-Gooden Anderson-LO Kirk Hinrich-Rondo.
  3. Russians are beasts, I heard in Russia the kids start drinking beer from the time they are born.
  4. I dont know why the Clippers arent relocating, its stupid to stay in LA and be in a different team's shadow.
  5. WE should just vote on it. The more people who agree, the better.
  6. I dont even bother reading these anymore considering I know the story of the Rockets every year, usually along the lines off, this team is missing Yao, T-Mac and Artest, everyone is young can the role players step up, will this young team be good enough to get to the playoffs, etc. These overviews are too predictable. And most of the time the predictions take a weird turn and the unexpected happens.
  7. Well you as a person state that running members off the forum is not tolerated but you ran Snake off who was a GREAT poster, better than all the members that us "trolls" supposedly ran off. I also dont mind if someone from another place follows a team from a different city, but if you follow the Yankees, Cowboys, Lakers, Tarheels all in one, you're a bandwagoner, no questions asked, if you are from North Dakota and like all the teams from say Minnesota, then no problem, they are the closest thing available or if you are from Rhode Island and like all Boston teams, no problem, etc.
  8. A bad [expletive]? lol. I could honestly care how people feel about me, I dont rebel, I just state things that people are afraid to say, my bad for not being afraid to stating the truth, when I speak I do it for the majority, the only reason people dont say what I do is because they worship you, as does most of the forum. I am also sure im still here because Ive been on otr for how long? 5 years? Pretty crazy. I also dont bait people for being bandwagoners, I bait people who support the Yankees, Lakers or Lakers, Tarheels because they usually have no affiliation with either cities, states and its hilarious because everyone is a glory hunter these days. I also dont bait people who like basketball games, I just state a few times that its terrible, I might as well say that you bait NBA Live fans, but considering there arent any, WHO CARES! I also havent baited any Laker fans in a long time and I believe you shouldnt have banned Mac Dre who is a Laker fan, Ive actually been tolerating Laker fans lately. But ya, who cares. I'll chill out with baiting Yankee fans.
  9. People will always think that older generations are better in everything, music, sports, singing, dancing, bodybuilding, etc. The pioneers of a certain selection will always be praised no matter what, its why people think Led Zeppelin/ACDC is 1000x better than anything out today just because they are like 40 years old.
  10. Because LeBron is a huge supporter of Obama. I think Bush was a decent president and will end up being better than Obama, I also dont see Obama going a second term.
  11. Exactly and if you are proud to be white, you are considered racist, its crazy. Id say I am pretty happy to be white and that I wouldnt want to be any other race but I still wont hate someone for being different than me.
  12. Double standard bro, double standard. We are taught to be apologists to african americans and anything defaming them is considered racist, but if you defame another race, its alright.
  13. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! http://www.yankees2000.com/y2k/uploaded_images/yankee_fans-705750.jpg
  14. Waldo aka Nabil is the youngest nets mod. Good job Nabil.
  15. 1 night stand, Miley forever, Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is one of those girls you keep locked in your attic.
  16. You've never heard of Uncharted 2 and God of War? You need to climb out of your cave.
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