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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. When did I ever say this trade was a gift, an asterisk needs to be placed, etc. You are just making up stuff now.
  2. I honestly dont know what you guys are debating, the trade is lopsided no matter how much you stretch it.
  3. You are basically saying, "because you have no explanation for how the Earth is made, I am going to keep believing some religious stuff that has no evidence and no truths behind it". If everyone on Earth was religious and gullible we wouldnt be researching things like evolution, big bang theory, and all that other stuff and looking for answers but would accept some myth as the truth, thank goodness us humans arent that stubborn like some people. I really do hope we find out how the Earth was made by studying other galaxies so we dont have anymore people saying, " OMGZ UZ HAVEZ NOZ ANSWERZ THEREFOREZ I WILLZ BELEIVEZ IN LIEZ".
  4. Hopefully Angels steal the next 2, we've already had a bandwagon team win (Lakers) dont need the Yankees to be another bandwagon team to win.
  5. The Earth is older than than the bible say it is easily. Dinosaurs alone prove that the Bible's age of the Earth is wrong. Scientists also actually study the rock, know where they find it, all that other good stuff. All religious texts make up some bull and expect people to believe it.
  6. Read the entire thread. I stated that the trade was big time lopsided and hes debating it. Im not debating whether its fair to win trades, you mad about something brah'?
  7. Who cares about the money? The Grizzlies could have gotten hell of a lot more young talent than the scraps the Lakers gave them.
  8. God not existing is a fact because there is no evidence. Something which has no evidence isnt real.
  9. What the trade got the Lakers: A ring and finals appearance. What the trade got the Grizzlies: A scrub
  10. Like I said, using logic on a totally different subject doesnt make sense what-so-ever. Evolution is a fact, Big Bang theory? I dont agree with that either. We will never know how the Earth was created but this all-loving god people believe in is a myth, god not existing is a fact.
  11. Proof? What you guys did before Gasol, nuff said. Kobe had to score 60 points to beat crappy teams.
  12. The Lakers benefited a lot from the improvement of Bynum, he never came back the same player. If you guys didnt get Gasol, you wouldnt have been even near a finals appeareance or have a championship last season.
  13. Just because something applies to one thing doesnt mean it applies to another. You cant put a piece of a puzzle on one board and expect it to fit on another.
  14. Evolution wasnt invented by humans, it was discovered by humans through research
  15. I know a God didnt do it because God was invented by humans. If the God you believe in is real, and the Earth is lets say 4.6 Billion years old, why did it take him so long to have this son called Jesus Christ and tell everyone that he is real.
  16. And this brings me to my question. How do you know God did it?
  17. Since you are a big fan of science and all that good stuff, why do you choose to believe in a god which has no evidence?
  18. It doesnt make sense, why would he be invisible and expect us to believe in him? Why does he make people pray to him? Why do people believe in different things? For people who live in places that have never even heard of the Christian religion, what if they dont know what a god is? They are going to hell for being unalarmed? God doesnt exist, its a fact until he appears, the invisible and nonexistent look very much alike.
  19. Im not sinking to any level. I'll only believe in a god if the God himself told me that he is real.
  20. Change my mind? Nothing in the world will ever make me believe in a god, nothing. 0, nada. There is no evidence, no proof, no basis, no stability, no anything that a god exists. These have been invented by humans, I dont know how the Earth was created and what created it, but doesnt mean that I should start saying that myths are true because its a widely believed "answer" If God is real, why doesnt he/she tell me? You know why? Because God DOES NOT exist. Why did "God" talk to Jesus and Mohammed and told him to spread our beliefs? What the heck is the point of that? Why doesnt god just create 6 billion religious books in all languages and tell us that hes real and everything? If God made the world so perfect, why is there death, disease and all that other bad stuff? If God created everything he created diseases like diabetes, cancer and AIDS.
  21. There is no heaven or hell, Christians stole that from Pagan beliefs in order to convert fools. Heaven was widely believed to actually be in the clouds, Ive been above the clouds, Ive been inside the cloud, there is no god or dead people there.
  22. When the giant cat spit us out, those all came with the thing we know as Earth.
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