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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Good bump, I been hitting the gym like a beast the last 2 months.
  2. Personally I'd love to be Scandinavian, Norwegian, Danish or Swedish for me.
  3. TBH I loved GTA 4 but the game felt so short even though the mapping and gameplay was amazing. TBH if they want GTA 5 to be successful they better include a super long story and at least 150 story missions
  4. So you know 2 single moms that aren't clueless. good stuff brah, I know like 20 that are. 20 > 2 You lose.
  5. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QCcMTHCBJ4c/TNRby2MmsuI/AAAAAAAAC4Y/VQ3grF3oH70/s1600/Shit+Happens+and+but+Sometimes+you+wish+it+would+happen+to+someone+else.jpg
  6. I had it on PC in Germany, couldn't find the PC cover.
  7. Sure, but you should see today's generation of single mom's. Women in their 20s that are having kids right now are clueless.
  8. You guys also fail to credit Tupac on that he is an amazing musician. He has had so many great songs.
  9. It seems like every single mom I have met so far is dumb as rocks
  10. Is Shaliq banned from posting pictures? I can't see any of his pics, if so Real Deal gets reps from me on sight.
  11. I just jizzed! 2013 ain't shit, 2011 is almost over.
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