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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Serbia beats Italy who has Gallinari, Belinelli and Bargnani. Milan Macvan is gonna be such a beast, 14 pts and 8 rebounds off the bench.
  2. http://www.greece-map.net/europe/europe-map.gif
  3. Report them and get some $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4
  4. Who gives a shit if the country is built on immigrants? Most immigration to the United States today is third-world immigration, if you keep letting immigrants in America will be a third world country by 2050. You'd have to stay in the US when it becomes a third world country while I can go back to Europe. You mad, liberal[expletive]?
  5. Ok bellend, I was referring to the fact that the picture has black facial features with white skin.
  6. If you're gonna post ugly ass girls, at least make an Ugly Girls Thread.
  7. That's not a white person, that's an albino.
  8. But I already have permanent residence, meaning I am not an immigrant.
  9. I am a US Citizen, this means that I am not an immigrant. Plus I highly support ending immigration because most immigration is from third world countries.
  10. What can i say, I got 6000 years of pure European ancestry.
  11. We need to stop immigration in general. America is on its way to becoming a 3rd world country.
  12. Beautiful and black woman never belong in the same sentence.
  13. Kudos to the Chinese, do not mess with the Chinese. Chinese people don't take bullcrap.
  14. Why do you guys jizz so much when LeBron gets owned?
  15. Lkr isn't a marxist, he wants Bill Gates to become president and rule the world with his Windows army.
  16. My dog could run against Obama and my dog would definitely win. LOL @ Obama's 39% approval rating.
  17. http://www.clipartguide.com/_named_clipart_images/0060-0808-1415-3664_Nerdy_Redheaded_Boy_with_Braces_and_a_Pocket_Protector_clipart_image.jpg
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