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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Rottweilers are my favorite http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images22/RottweilerTysonBedLeaves.jpg
  2. Don't have to ask me, buying it midnight again.
  3. http://af.reuters.com/article/egyptNews/idAFL3E7J135P20110801 Weird...
  4. You say who is dumb enough to get a bib on? And the race of the person is Black, this is blatant racism, you need to go see a psychiatrist for this evilness in your body.
  5. I'm a master debater therefore I am in. Srsly, it shouldn't be entirely sports though, make a new topic for each round.
  6. Now I see why Africa is so poor, its because they don't believe in evolution.
  7. Just wondering, personally mine are Green.
  8. I'm in the same boat, hardly any of my friends listen to rock/metal, they just listen to shitty radio rap or dance/electronic. I feel like my musical taste is so superior to theirs.
  9. South American teams haven't been able to compete with Euro teams since 2002.
  10. Kobe should go to Olympiakos so he can be robin to Milos Teodosic
  11. Yao retired? I thought he retired 3 years ago ^_^
  12. Spanish, non-white hispanics are gonna take over the US anyway
  13. Girl or no girl, if someone is slapping me or hitting me they will be kicked in the face.
  14. Proof of God's existence is that you exist? Alone, the most retard argument in whether a god exists or not, go eat more twinkies mah boi.
  15. It's because we are the most superior race, aha yes!
  16. No. I don't believe in a God because there are hundreds of religions and denominations that have different beliefs and they all cannot be right, so they are all wrong, and God was just used as a subsitute to what people don't know.
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