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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. Thanks for clarifying The lulz commence after this line -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. The bible doesn't say the Earth is flat, they just assume it is because of this If you look at some of the last pages, even Christians say lolwut.
  3. Not trying to turn this into a religion thread but look at the major point of this, people actually believe the Earth is flat.
  4. Has nothing to do with religion imo, just funny when people say the Earth is flat when it is completely beyond obvious that it isn't.
  5. Has nothing to do with Atheism, just lol @ anyone that would believe the Earth is flat.
  6. http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showthread.php?t=45427 Prepare for massive lulz.
  7. I like how Kobe stat pads his assists/rebounds when he doesn't shoot so well.
  8. I have 467 reps, Sit down N/A and Sacha

  9. Those are probably all his kids so he deserves to be able to slap them
  10. Anyone remember Point Forward Guy? http://insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=164897 10 page thread about him on inside hoops, this guy is pretty much bad news and if he even attempts at coming back we should just ban him.
  11. Best player of all time? lulz. Cristiano Ronaldo shouldn't have the same name as him? lulz
  12. Islam/Christianity/Judaism/Sihk = 1 God Hinduism = Many gods Buddhism/Confucianism/Taoism = No Gods
  13. Exactly XD, everyone acts like Wikipedia is this false thing where people come up with things and put them on certain articles on Wikipedia, but entries have to be reviewed, statements need to have citations otherwise they get removed, etc.
  14. My parents were pretty happy when becoming American citizens tbh. Its a big deal although most people here wouldn't know.
  15. Everything I copied and pasted is cited so you might wanna check those links.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beliefs_and_ideology_of_Osama_bin_Laden
  17. Osama Bin Laden is likely a religious Muslim so he would have nothing to do with Satan lol.
  18. Korver would rape with the Lakers tbh. Dude shoots like 50% from 3 point range and would likely get 5-6 3 point shots a game, I wouldn't do it though unless Lakers have a legit backup but Matt Barnes is done so might as well keep Artest
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