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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. TBH, this thread is a good reason why we need neg-rep.
  2. Spamming and trolling in the Celtics forum now? At least learn how to spell vanilla
  3. Progressive Metal with no vocals, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. Sure most people start doing marijuana then start experimenting with other drugs, but I am sure also most people that do Marijuana don't move on to harder drugs.
  5. The only reason people that really do other drugs is because they have dealers that sell multiple drugs, now if Marijuana were legalized a lot of people would not have to do other drugs.
  6. Ya, someone just picked up a joint, smoked it and said OMG LETS DO HEROIN. I've been smoking weed for nearly 5 years, and haven't touched anything else. I think my body should be okay.
  7. I recommended smoking weed to quit his addiction of Heroin actually.
  8. I would recommend smoking weed as an alternative, go weaker as time passes on it is the least stressful way of doing it imo, screw rehab. Weed has been proven in some cases to help ease addiction to harder drugs. Just killing your addiction when you are super addicted to drugs is just too much stress, I can imagine how my Mom would feel if she had to stop smoking cigarettes after many, many years. It isn't your fault either, it is your drug dealer's fault for giving you heroin when he didn't have the natural green. You should find someone that just sells the green.
  9. Amazing, I hope I get to see the game where he breaks it. He is on ESPN 3 games from now but I doubt he makes 17 in 3 games, his 6th game he will be on NBA TV, he could just make 17 in 6 games, that'd be close to a 3 per game rate.
  10. To even lose by this close at Dallas is a miracle, we have always struggled there.
  11. TBH, it shouldn't have taken this to get you to think about stopping. Good luck man. Weed is perfectly good to me that's why I myself don't go into harder (no homo) territory.
  12. Greatest parody of our time, enjoy! Old video I know lol.
  13. No they are awful because I have no knowledge of the game and I am too blind to see what a good team is.
  14. WTF, I am going to the Grizzlies-Rockets game and I won't get to see him, that is just BS.
  15. Whatever happened to JL? (English Suns fan) What happened 2 BALF? Jesse? HWP said he was busy due to school work, basketball and a bunch of other crap
  16. You don't think they can? A team that is currently 2nd in the East, and has LeBron, Wade and Bosh can't get out of the East? To say that might not would be okay but to say there is no possible chance is absurd.
  17. I am not gonna say someone is a bust just because, anyone can be a bust. I remember people saying Joakim Noah and Tyler Hansbrough were only gonna be good college players and would do nothing in the NBA.
  18. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31bGgSiA2yL.jpg http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/a6/5/AAAAAg34Us4AAAAAAKZWrQ.jpg?v=1196767873000 http://pad.indiemerch.com/i/8/d/8dd4610d77/225.jpg http://www.tillys.com/tillys/images/catalog/300x300/170391750.jpg http://www.tillys.com/tillys/images/catalog/large/178205150.jpg
  19. Every day, and sometimes every other or every third day. We usually just get stoned, play basketball, talk about stupid crap, drive around, go on adventures 30+ miles away. XD
  20. I joined from the beginning as a 13 year old, 19 now XD
  21. We've had an influx of Bull fans lately, welcome.
  22. He's only in the NBA because of his dad, I have never done anything like that and I am not that great at basketball either.
  23. Sasha is awful but he is one of those guys who will have a great game every once in a while
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