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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. lol, you're insane brah. Best - Getting laid in Europe Worst - Prob the entire semester this year in college, i despise it now lol.
  2. http://www.beveragesdirect.com/images/productpix/large/2400814.jpg
  3. Wow wtf, you mean Nomar Fachix is an actual player? I thought that was a joke account that meant "no more fat chicks", god im stupid.
  4. Phil is obviously just saying that so he can get the players to play better so they can win a championship for him one last time, just my thought.
  5. Rap is merely opinion, people will have opinions because they like the artist more.
  6. I like how the young players are doing well, and picking up the slack for the better players.
  7. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0a6_1293369894 BEAST! Russians ftmfw
  8. Coincide with what? XD What's with people thinking everything is racist nowadays.
  9. Shaliq can you please explain to us why you think she's good looking because I wouldn't go out with that if you payed me 20,000$
  10. lol australians. I have 12 hours and 37 mins left until new years.
  11. Meshuggah is the best band eva

  12. Brad Miller is a genius, he knows Miami has 4 team fouls and takes it right to the basket.
  13. They do if you have good connection.
  14. Anyone wanna make a crew so we can play a 5 on 5 game or something?
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