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Everything posted by YugoRocketsFan

  1. What a comeback, Brooks was definitely a spark tonight.
  2. Where the F is Scola/Martin? I vote Rose and Poozer
  3. TBH OTR is probably the best independent NBA forum in terms of members, posting, mods, etc.
  4. Seems like pure BS, no way could we get rid of him for any quality players.
  5. Shaliq, where are the pics? :-/, a thread like this needs pics.
  6. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a77/YugoRocketsFan/Image009.jpg Christmas bud son.
  7. http://www.nba.com/playerfile/trevor_ariza/ Be careful what you wish for (keep in mind he's playing with CP3)
  8. LOL @ the responses, just admit Miami are good and don't get your panties in a bunch, beating the Lakers by 16 to a very anticipated game on their home court just shows how good Miami are. I've gotten the vibe that the Laker fans thought they had the game in the bag, but nope.
  9. Ps3 hater, everyone knows PS3 > 360 by a mile.
  10. Dont forget to add that you got a new house and an Aston Martin
  11. Funny thing is, I dont own any of them XD, I like Fifa 11, and COD and thats it for me. I am also getting Mass Effect 2 when it comes out and the only PS3 exclusive I will buy is Twisted Metal because the game is so epic. Only game I am jealous about that 360 has is Gears of War, but my friend who has the 360 has both of them and i've beaten both of t hem.
  12. http://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Mass_Effect_2_PS3_vs_Xbox360.jpg Same ish lol
  13. 360 still has a nice 60$ a year fee for online play while PS3 doesn't so it better have better online play and controller is very unimportant, at least the PS3 controller doesn't need batteries and can be charged with a usb.
  14. 50$ and NBA 2K11 from my mum, the rest I have yet to see.
  15. PS3 God of War 3 Little Big Planet Twisted Metal Infamous Socom 4 Gran Turismo 5 Uncharted Resistance Killzone MLB The Show MAG MGS4 Ratchet and Clank 360 Gears of War Left 4 Dead Halo Fable Command & Conquer Crackdown Forza Motorsport Lol @ all the people who said PS3 has no games, lmfao.
  16. http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=83995&loc=ps3slider1 There goes another 360 exclusive, PS3 > 360.
  17. Non-alcoholic beer is like going down on your cousin. It tastes the same, but it just ain't right.
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