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Lkr last won the day on March 19 2013

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About Lkr

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  • Fav Player
    Kobe Bryant
  • NBA Team Rep
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    Florida State

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  1. Lkr

    FIFA 15

    Anyone play it on bone? Hit me up
  2. I transferred from FSU to UCF. I've been doing really poorly in school since. Shits been getting better in the past few months though. I've had two jobs since the start of summer, got a new car and things have been generally good. I've honestly been putting a lot of thought into switching majors and getting into sports journalism. I'm just so burned out on math. All of my classes are just theorems and it flies over my head. I've lost about 20 pounds since the start of the summer and I'm in the best shape I have ever been in. I don't spend near as much time on the Internet anymore. It's just boring now tbh. I don't enjoy games anymore either minus FIFA. You guys hear about the FSU shooting? Shits nuts, I spent days of my life in Strozier. There was a guy that made a post on reddit about how he was shot at but his books stopped the bullet. That was one of my roommates freshman year and he is a good friend of mine. That was some crazy news to see.
  3. USA WINS CONCACAF! http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7590/bronrubhands.gif
  4. definitely the show. 2k baseball games are awful
  5. i love all of the big american advertisements. boo us all you want, you still love us
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUuYeLTWwfw LOL
  7. Whoever disliked it really is mirin
  8. Rids us of a clubhouse cancer and I think we shed 6 mil or so which is better than nothing
  9. Thanks for taking Wells, Yankees
  10. http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww208/tsikes_bucket/shaq-laughing-o.gif
  11. how does it take you 13 tries to find something?
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