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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. you can be 60 and play d1 basketball if you're still eligible. he never went pro so i don't see the big deal. the Plumlee brothers on Duke and Zeller are both more talented than he is despite the age differential
  2. just keep pounding it in with James, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase
  3. you really have no idea how the subprime crisis came about based on the ignorance of your posts.
  4. That would be a [expletive]ing stupid idea. Blu Ray discs are a shit ton cheaper to produce than flash media at the same size. Unless you see $100+ games in our future, this would be retarded to consider
  5. but the government shouldn't regulate the free market!!11!1!11!!! these companies legitimately preyed on people who really didn't know much better, and should be held accountable for it.
  6. for about 5 seconds, and then it will melt the ice :o
  7. you forgot the rumor in your title. i doubt this happens since bandwidth caps are widespread in europe, canada, asia, and are beginning to catch on in the US
  8. I'm just saying since its a P4, there is nothing that can be done to stop it from getting hot lol
  9. if its old and overheating, and its probably a P4, it might be cheaper to just get something new
  10. Kansas City is also a much more complete team than Miami, so it would make sense for him to prefer playing there over Miami.
  11. is sharing a link to a porn video really going to increase activity?
  12. LOL one of my friends posted a similar thing earlier, i couldn't stop laughing
  13. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/internet-memes-kony-hawks-underground.jpg
  14. I wasn't sure if it was true or not, but my friend brought it up. What he said falls in line with what ECN is saying
  15. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/200/420/BRTky.jpg
  16. Who knew that Farmar could be a hero
  17. nsfw goes beyond nudity/porn. there is stuff that i feel uncomfortable posting on here because i don't know where you guys are browsing all the time . activity has been down, but most of us have a lot of other shit going on compared to years ago
  18. :lol: I have heard that Kony hasn't even been active since 2006, don't know if that is true or not. ECN is in the right in this thread though
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