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Everything posted by Lkr

  1. the Bynum>Howard horseshit sounds like PFG talking about Yao is this a done deal? haven't seen it on BSPN yet
  2. nah i'm serious. this game is disgusting so i'm glad to see something good
  3. The biggest problem with what you're trying to do now ECN is that Magic never said, "I am only hiring black people"
  4. jeez i thought Fisher would just end up missing both
  5. you're offended? good, maybe now you know how black people feel when you get pissed off that they are going to have a tv channel catered toward them
  6. tyler perry's shows do not portray black families in a positive light. all he does is play on stereotypes making fun of black people, something that magic doesn't like. comcast was required to add diversity programming channels, and magic stepped up to the plate. you guys aren't complaining about about the other black channel or the hispanic channels being added. and for [expletive]s sake, he never said he is only hiring black people there is a difference between promoting black people and only hiring black people. CMT promotes country music and the culture of those who enjoy country music they do NOT hire only people who are a fan of country music
  7. oh man Gasol is the best big man in LA
  8. how do you think people breakthrough to big time television? they don't just get a role randomly. this is a good way to help promote young, talented black actors to land bigger roles. i'm honestly surprised that you and ecn oppose this, you have to complain every time a minority wants to have power like a white guy.
  9. childish shit? says the guy that tries to argue foreign policy without reading anything about history the point of my post was to show that you are jumping to conclusions when you see something. at the end of the day, this guy just wants to make a tv station that shows positive portrayals of black people on shows. let's be honest; not many positive portrayals of black people in the media really exist. the reason we still have racism is because people want to make a big [expletive]ing deal and whine about a black guy making a tv station that is trying to send a good message to black kids growing up in a bad environment.
  10. i was just asking a simple yes/no question, he implied a bunch of shit that wasn't there.
  11. ECN, how pissed off do you get at amusement parks when handicapped people get to cut you in all the lines?
  12. pretty sure most people that write that crap would HAVE to be women. can you show me where magic says he is only hiring black people?
  13. [expletive]ING BLEW MY TRIG TEST got a 77 :( :( :( this is me right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykVuLVhw7MY
  14. Things in the US are never going to be as good as Canada when it comes to bigotry and racism. That is the bottom line. I have heard people bitch about the NBA doing their Latino Nights before, because "this is america and we speak english." That is the stupidity of some people in this country. In all honesty, we are all people, but different races and different nationalities have some unique cultural practices. I am just stating the obvious when I say there is a clear difference between growing up in a black household and growing up in a white household. For starters, look at the large gap between median income between black and white households from 2006: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0104552.html Here is the median income in 2009: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0695.pdf I know we are all humans, but there are obvious divides in society. I don't agree with them, but they are there. I don't have a problem with a guy like Magic Johnson trying to improve the lives of the black youth. When you realize that a greater percentage of black children grow up under the poverty line than white children when looking at a fair sample size, you realize that these kids do have different environments when growing up. Yes, there are white children who grow up in a similar or worse atmosphere, don't get me wrong. Magic is trying to give these kids tv characters to aspire to be like that are similar to them and send a positive message. As a white child in the United States, I grew up watching Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood. A lot of the stuff in this show applies to EVERYONE, but if I grew up in the inner city, I would never be able to relate to the things he discussed, because it was aimed at children growing up in the suburbs. I really didn't want to touch on this, but your Apple argument is flawed in the sense that Apple is a multibillion dollar corporation, and Magic Johnson is trying to provide diversity programming on television. No one is stopping white people from watching this channel or producing content for this channel, but at the end of the day, I'm not sure if many white people would be interested in it, because it is not catered towards them. The same way that CMT, BET, cable news, etc don't cater towards me in a way. You don't see me getting mad because CNN and Fox News hire people of a certain political bias to be commentators on their network. Was Bill Cosby in the wrong for hiring a bunch of relatively unknown black actors to star in the Cosby Show, which is one of the most successful television shows of all time? No. Was it wrong of him to create the show Fat Albert, which was targeted towards the black youth, to send motivational and encouraging messages? No. The messages in both of those shows still applies to everyone, and they are allowed to be watched by anyone, just like this show. TCS is also interesting to study, because people were taken aback at the time of the thought of a *gasp* successful black family living in the suburbs. Thankfully, that show was able to show that black families are indeed not much different from white families, and hopefully Magic's channel will have similar content to reinforce that message bee tee dubs, i don't think we should compare Magic's network to BET, because I believe he wants it to be the opposite
  15. We already have a guy averaging a double double complimenting Bynum
  16. http://online.wsj.com/article/APd9c80dc8d8fd4dbf9820de46a7deec8d.html Woah they're letting hispanics own TV networks now too! stop discriminating against me!!!
  17. This doesn't say blacks only. Like I said, he's not going to deny a good show made by a white person.
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