She doesn't think it is useless, she thinks that you can't be basing a government established in the 21st century on one that was built in the 18th century. There are many things I'm sure she believes should be incorporated from the US Constitution, but is making a point that in this day and age, there are many more things that people should have rights to. A lot of the things originally put in the US constitution would make no sense for a country the size of Egypt, and quite honestly, don't make sense in today's age to be honest. I don't see why it is scary that someone is criticizing the government, seeing as that was how the United States came to be in the first place. Democrat/Republican labels aside, I would have no problem with this statement coming from any government official, because it just makes sense. In my opinion, the media is blowing this way out of proportion and is trying to put a big swing on it that simply isn't there.